
Christina Bohannan. Creation without Restraint: Promoting Liberty and Rivalry in Innovation, with Herbert Hovenkamp. New York: Oxford University Press 2012, xviii, 416 pages.


Christina Bohannan, "On the 50th Anniversary of Tinker v. Des Moines: Toward a Positive View of Free Speech on College Campuses," 105 Iowa Law Review 2233 (2020), 39 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Copyright Harm and Injunctions,” 30 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 11 (2012), 15 pages.

Christina Bohannan, "IP Misuse as Foreclosure," 96 Iowa L Rev 475 (2011), 53 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Concerted Refusals to License Intellectual Property Rights,” with Herbert Hovenkamp, 1 Harvard Business Law Review Online 21 (2011), 4 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Taming the Derivative Works Right: A Modest Proposal for Reducing Overbreadth and Vagueness in Copyright,” 12 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law 669 (2010), 31 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Copyright Infringement and Harmless Speech,” 61 Hastings Law Journal 1083 (2010), 77 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “IP and Antitrust: Reformation and Harm,” with Herbert Hovenkamp, 51 Boston College Law Review 905 (2010), 88 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Copyright Harm and Reform,” 96 Iowa Law Review Bulletin 13 (2010), 10 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Copyright Preemption of Contracts,” 67 Maryland Law Review 616 (2008), 56 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Copyright Harm, Foreseeability, and Fair Use,” 85 Washington University Law Review 969 (2007), 63 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Reclaiming Copyright,” 23 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 567 (2006), 68 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Beyond Abrogation of Sovereign Immunity: State Waivers, Private Contracts, and Federal Incentives,” 77 New York University Law Review 273 (2002), 73 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “When the State Steals Ideas: Is the Abrogation of State Sovereign Immunity from Federal Infringement Claims Constitutional in Light of Seminole Tribe?” with Thomas F. Cotter, 67 Fordham Law Review 1435 (1999), 81 pages.

Christina Bohannan, “Note: Product Liability: A Public Policy Approach to Contaminated Factor VIII Blood Products,” 48 Florida Law Review 263 (1996), 35 pages.