
Ann Laquer Estin. Domestic Relationships: A Contemporary Approach, 2d ed. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2019, lviii, 1171 pages; Teachers' Manual, 2020.

Ann Laquer Estin, editor, International Family Law, Volumes I & II, Cheltenham: UK Northampton, MA Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.

Ann Laquer Estin. International Family Law Desk Book 2d. Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of International Law, 2016, xiv, 338 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin. Domestic Relationships: A Contemporary Approach. St. Paul, MN: West, 2013, lviii, 1175 pages, + Teacher's Manual.

Ann Laquer Estin. International Family Law Desk Book. Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of International Law, 2012, xvi, 301 pages; 2nd ed. Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of International Law, 2016, xiv, 338 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, editor. The Multi-Cultural Family. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008, 604 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin. Global Issues in Family Law, with Barbara Stark. St. Paul, MN: Thomson-West, 2007, 201 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin. Cases and Problems on Domestic Relations, 7th ed., with Homer H. Clark, Jr. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2005, liii, 1157 pages; Supplement, St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters, 2010, xii, 134 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin. Cases and Problems on Domestic Relations, 6th ed., with Homer H. Clark, Jr. St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2000, xlvii, 1124 pages.

Book Chapters

Ann Laquer Estin, "Nationality and Migration Status in International Children’s Law," in International and National Perspectives on Child and Family Law: Essays in Honour of Nigel Lowe, edited by Gillian Douglas, Mervyn Murch and Victoria Stephens. Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2018, at 219, 13 pages..

Ann Laquer Estin, "The New Global Family Law," in Family Law in Britain and America in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Sanford N. Katz, edited by John Eekelaar. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2016, at 219, 16 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Migration, Remittances and Child Support,” in The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide, edited by Paul Beaumont, Burkhard Hess, Lara Walker, and Stefanie Spancken. Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, 2014, at 101, 11 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Unofficial Family Law,” in Marriage and Divorce in a Multicultural Context: Multi-Tiered Marriage and the Boundaries of Civil Law and Religion, edited by Joel A. Nichols. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, at 92, 28 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Marital and Nonmarital Unions: Legal and Public-Policy Perspectives,” in The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion, edited by Richard A. Shweder. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, at 591, 3 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Transnational Family Finances and the United States,” in Family Finances, edited by Bea Verschraegen. Vienna: Jan Sramek Verlag, 2009, at 233, 10 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Embracing Tradition: Pluralism in American Family Law,” reprinted in The Multi-Cultural Family, edited by Ann Laquer Estin. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008, at 5, 27 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Divergent Paths: Same-Sex Partnership Rights in the United States,” in The International Survey of Family Law, edited by Bill Atkin. Bristol, UK: Jordan Publishing, 2008, at 481, 16 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Introduction,” in The Multi-Cultural Family, edited by Ann Laquer Estin. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2008, at xi, 17 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Divorce and Federalism: Balancing State Interests and Individual Rights,” in Family Law: Balancing Interests and Pursuing Priorities, edited by Lynn D. Wardle and Camille S. Williams. Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co., 2007, at 542, 9 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Can Families Be Efficient? A Feminist Appraisal,” reprinted in Feminism Confronts Homo Economicus: Gender, Law, and Society, edited by Martha Albertson Fineman and Terence Dougherty. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005, at 423, 27 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Human Rights, Pluralism, and Family Law,” in Family Life and Human Rights: Papers Presented at the 11th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law, edited by Peter Lodrup and Eva Modvar. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2004, at 211, 18 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Love and Obligation: Family Law and the Romance of Economics,” reprinted in Family Law in Action: A Reader, compiled by Margaret F. Brinig, Carl E. Schneider and Lee E. Teitelbaum. Cincinnati: Anderson Publihing Company, 1999, at 34.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock: The Long Shadow,” reprinted in Native American Law and Colonialism, Before 1776 to 1903, edited by John R. Wunder. New York: Garland Pub., 1996, at 289, 31 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock: The Long Shadow,” in The Aggressions of Civilization: Federal Indian Policy Since the 1880's, edited by Sandra L. Cadwalader and Vine Deloria, Jr. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1984, at 215, 30 pages.


Ann Laquer Estin, "Equal Protection and the Indian Child Welfare Act: States, Tribal Nations, and Family Law," 35 Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 201 (2022), 28 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "United States' Teen Dating Violence Policies: Summary of Policy Element Variation," 43 Journal of Public Health 503 (2022), 12 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "Tributes to Family Law Scholars Who Helped Us Find Our Path," edited by J. Thomas Oldham & Paul M. Kurtz, 55 Family Law Quarterly 341, 342 (2022), 4 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "Where is the Child at Home? Determining Habitual Residence After Monasky," 54 Family Law Quarterly 127 (2020), 14 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "Marital Contracts with Religious Provisions," 42 Family Advocate 20 (Fall 2019), 4 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "Child Migrants and Child Welfare: Toward a Best Interests Approach," 17 Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 589 (2018), 16 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "The Legal Framework for Mediating Parenting and Child Abduction Disputes in the United States and Mexico," 12 World Arbitration & Mediation Review 71 (2018), 29 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "Marriage and Divorce Conflicts in International Perspective," 27 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 485 (2017), 34 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, "Protecting Child Welfare in Abduction and Asylum Proceedings," 41 North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation 793 (2016), 39 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “The Hague Abduction Convention and the United States Supreme Court (Symposium on Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction),” 48 Family Law Quarterly 235 (2014), 17 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin. "Foreign and Religious Family Law: Comity, Contract, and the Constitution (Symposium: Islamic and Jewish Law in the 21st Century)," 41 Pepperdine Law Review 1029 (2014), 19 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Transjurisdictional Child Welfare: Local Governments and International Law,” 22 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 595 (2013), 28 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “International Divorce: Litigating Marital Property and Support Rights,” 45 Family Law Quarterly 293 (2011), 35 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Global Child Welfare: The Challenges for Family Law (Symposium: Divorcing the Multi-National Family),” 63 Oklahoma Law Review 691 (2011), 32 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Where (in the World) do Children Belong? (Symposium: Belonging, Families, and Family Law),” 25 BYU Journal of Public Law 217 (2011), 15 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Family Law, Pluralism, and Human Rights (Symposium: Sharia, Family, and Democracy: Religious Norms and Family Law in Pluralistic Democratic States),” 25 Emory International Law Review 811 (2011), 18 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Families Across Borders: The Hague Children’s Conventions and the Case for International Family Law in the United States,” 62 Florida Law Review 47 (2010), 62 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Sharing Governance: Family Law in Congress and the States,” 18 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 267-335 (2009), 69 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Unofficial Family Law,” 94 Iowa Law Review 449 (2009), 32 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Golden Anniversary Reflections: Changes in Marriage after Fifty Years,” 42 Family Law Quarterly 333 (2008), 20 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Family Law Federalism: Divorce and the Constitution,” 16 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 381 (2007), 52 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Fifty Years Later: Homer Clark and the Law of Domestic Relations,” 78 University of Colorado Law Review 19 (2007), 10 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Toward a Multicultural Family Law,” 38 Family Law Quarterly 501 (2004), 27 pages, adapted from “Embracing Tradition: Pluralism in American Family Law,” 63 Maryland Law Review 540 (2004), 65 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Embracing Tradition: Pluralism in American Family Law,” 63 Maryland Law Review 540 (2004), 65 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Voting Rights and Human Rights: Comments on ‘Civil Rights and the Administration of Elections’,” (article by Michael Waterstone at 8 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 101 (2004)), 8 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 177 (2004), 5 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Families and Children in International Law: An Introduction,” 12 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 271 (2002), 36 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Preface (Symposium: Families and Children in International Law)”, 12 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems no. 2, at xi (Fall 2002), 3 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Ordinary Cohabitation,” 76 Notre Dame Law Review 1381 (2001), 28 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Family Governance in the Age of Divorce,” 1998 Utah Law Review 211, 29 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Federalism and Child Support,” 5 Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law 541 (1998), 61 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Bonding After Divorce: Comments on ‘Joint Custody: Bonding and Monitoring Theories’,” 73 Indiana Law Journal 441 (1998), 12 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “When Baehr Meets Romer: Family Law Issues After Amendment 2,” 68 University of Colorado Law Review 349 (1997), 22 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Can Families Be Efficient? A Feminist Appraisal,” 4 Michigan Journal of Gender and Law 1 (1996), 33 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Alimony for Children?” 16 FAIR$HARE: The Matrimonial Law Monthly 2 (August 1996), 5 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Economics and the Problem of Divorce,” 2 University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 517 (1995), 81 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Love and Obligation: Family Law and the Romance of Economics,” 36 William and Mary Law Review 989 (1995), 99 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “The Case for Maintenance Reform,” 23 Colorado Lawyer 53 (1994), 4 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Maintenance, Alimony, and the Rehabilitation of Family Care,” 71 North Carolina Law Review 721 (1993), 83 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Federal Plenary Power in Indian Affairs after Weeks and Sioux Nation,” 131 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 235 (1982), 36 pages.

Book Reviews

Ann Laquer Estin, “Marriage and Belonging,” review of Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation, by Nancy F. Cott. 100 Michigan Law Review 1690 (2002), 18 pages.

Ann Laquer Estin, “Moving Beyond the Child Support Revolution,” review of Child Support: The Next Frontier, edited by Thomas Oldham and Marygold S. Melli. 26 Law and Social Inquiry 505 (2001), 24 pages.