Photo of Professor Emily Hughes

Emily Hughes

Photo of Andrew Jordan

Andrew Jordan

Photo of Professor Jill Wieber Lens

Jill Wieber Lens

Image of the Boyd Law Building at dusk,

Marc Linder

Photo of Professor Robert Miller

Robert T. Miller

Photo of Professor Todd Pettys

Todd E. Pettys

Photo of Professor Anya Prince

Anya E.R. Prince

Photo of Professor Jason Rantanen

Jason A. Rantanen

Photo of Professor Shannon Roesler

Shannon Roesler

Photo of Professor Ryan Sakoda in front of Boyd Law Building

Ryan T. Sakoda

Photo of Professor Len Sandler

Len Sandler

Photo of Professor Caroline Sheerin

Caroline Sheerin

Photo of Professor Greg Shill in his office.

Gregory H. Shill

Photo of Professor Sean P. Sullivan

Sean P. Sullivan

Photo of Professor June Tai in her office

June T. Tai

Photo of Professor Cristina Tilley standing in front of book shelves.

Cristina Tilley

Photo of Professor James Toomey

James Toomey

Photo of Professor Lea VanderVelde seated in the Law Library.

Lea VanderVelde

Photo of Professor Carissa Vogel

Carissa J. Vogel

Photo of Dean Kevin Washburn

Kevin K. Washburn

Photo of Associate Dean Adrien Wing

Adrien K. Wing

Photo of Professor Joseph Yockey speaking with a student.

Joseph W. Yockey