
Bethany R. Berger. Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices 8th, with Joseph William Singer, Nestor M. Davidson & Eduardo Moises Peñalver. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer 2022.

Bethany R. Berger. Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices 7th, with Joseph William Singer, Nestor Davidson & Eduardo Peñalver. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer 2017.

Bethany R. Berger. Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices 6th, with Joseph William Singer, Nestor Davidson & Eduardo Peñalver. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer 2014.

Bethany R. Berger. American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary 4th, with Robert T. Anderson & Sarah Krakoff. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing 2020.

Bethany R. Berger. American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary 3rd, with Robert Anderson, Philip Frickey & Sarah Krakoff. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing 2015.

Bethany R. Berger. American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary 2d, with Robert Anderson, Philip Frickey & Sarah Krakoff. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing 2010.

Bethany R. Berger. American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, with Robert Anderson, Philip Frickey & Sarah Krakoff. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing 2008.

Bethany R. Berger, co-author and member of Editorial Board, Felix S. Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law.  Matthew Bender & Company 2022, 2012 & 2005 eds.; biennial supplements. 

Book Chapters

Bethany R. Berger, "The Promise of Intertribal Wildlife Management," in Wildlife Stewardship on Tribal Lands: Our Place Is in Our Soul, edited by Serra J. Hoagland and Steven Albert. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press 2023, at 99, 21 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Paul and Lorena Williams: Sovereignty and Sheep on the Navajo Nation," in "Our Cause Will Ultimately Triumph": Profiles in American Indian Sovereignty, edited by Tim Alan Garrison. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 2014, at 51, 14 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Elouise Cobell: Bringing the United States to Account," in "Our Cause Will Ultimately Triumph": Profiles in American Indian Sovereignty, edited by Tim Alan Garrison. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 2014, at 183, 13 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "The Anomaly of Citizenship for Indigenous Rights," in Human Rights in the United States: Beyond Exceptionalism, edited by Shareen Hertel and Kathryn Libal. New York: Cambridge U. Press 2011, at 217, 17 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Sheep, Sovereignty, and the Supreme Court: The Story of Williams v. Lee," in Indian Law Stories, edited by Carole Goldberg, Kevin K. Washburn, and Philip P. Frickey. New York: Foundation Press, 2011, at 359, 30 pages.


Bethany R. Berger, "Separate, Sovereign, and Subjugated: Native Citizenship and the 1790 Trade and Intercourse Act," 65 William & Mary Law Review 1117 (2024), 19 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Intertribal: The Unheralded Element in Indigenous Wildlife Sovereignty," 48 Harvard Environmental Law Review 1 (2024), 44 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Property and the Right to Enter," 80 Washington & Lee Law Review 71 (2023), 72 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, “Race to Property: Racial Distortions of Property Law, 1634 to Today,” 64 Arizona Law Review 619 (2022), 56 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Mohegan Women, the Mohegan Church, and the Lasting of the Mohegan Nation," with Chloe Scherpa, 27 Roger Williams Law Review 211 (2022), 44 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Eliding Original Understanding in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid," 33 Yale Journal of Law and Humanities 307 (2022), 26 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "McGirt v. Oklahoma and the Past, Present, and Future of Reservation Boundaries," 169 Pennsylvania Law Review Online 250 (2021), 43 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Savage Equalities," 94 Washington Law Review 583 (2021), 62 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Natural Resources and the Making of Modern Federal Indian Law," 51 Connecticut Law Review 927 (2019), 25 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Hope for Indian Tribes in the U.S. Supreme Court?:  Menominee, Nebraska v. Parker, Bryant, Dollar General . . . and Beyond," 2017 University of Illinois Law Review 1901, 45 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "The Illusion of Fiscal Illusion in Regulatory Takings," 66 American University Law Review 1 (2016), 49 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Kelo and the Constitutional Revolution that Wasn’t," 48 Connecticut Law Review 1429 (2016), 13 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Birthright Citizenship on Trial:  Elk v. Wilkins and United States v. Wong Kim Ark," 37 Cardozo Law Review 1185 (2016), 74 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "In the Name of the Child:  Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl," 67 Florida Law Review 295 (2015), 68 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Race, Descent, and Tribal Citizenship," 4 California Law Review Circuit 23 (2013), 15 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Williams v. Lee and the Debate over Indian Equality," 109 Michigan Law Review 1463 (2011), 66 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Reconciling Equal Protection and Federal Indian Law," 98 California Law Review 1165 (2010), 33 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "What Owners Want and Governments Do: Lessons from the Oregon Experiment," 78 Fordham Law Review 1281 (2009), 50 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Red: Racism and the American Indian," 56 UCLA Law Review 591 (2009), 66 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "It’s Not About the Fox: The Untold History of Pierson v. Post," 55 Duke Law Journal 1089 (2006), 55 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Liberalism and Republicanism in Federal Indian Law," 28 Connecticut Law Review 813 (2006), 19 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Justice and the Outsider: Jurisdiction over Nonmembers in Tribal Legal Systems," 37 Arizona State Law Journal 1047 (2005), 79 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, “'Power over This Unfortunate Race': Race, Power and Indian Law in U.S. v. Rogers," 45 William & Mary Law Review 1957 (2004), 96 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Indian Policy and the Imagined Indian Woman," 14 Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 103 (2004), 18 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "United States v. Lara as a Story of Native Agency," 40 Tulsa Law Review 5 (2004), 20 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "After Pocahontas: Indian Women and the Law, 1830 to 1934," 21 American Indian Law Review 1 (1997), 62 pages.

Reviews and Short Pieces

Bethany R. Berger, "Expanding the Constitutional Lens," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), July 13, 2023 (reviewing Gregory Ablavsky & W. Tanner Allread, “We the (Native) People? How Indigenous Peoples Debated the Constitution,” 123 Colum. L. Rev. 243 (2023)).

Bethany R. Berger, “The Sky Did Not Fall After McGirt v. Oklahoma,” Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), Nov. 1, 2022 (reviewing Michael Velchik & Jeffery Zhang, "Restoring Indian Reservation Status: An Empirical Analysis," 40 Yale J. Reg. 339 (2023)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Institutions, 'Indian-ness,' and ICWA Implementation," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), Sept. 17, 2021 (reviewing Hana E. Brown, "Who Is an Indian Child: Institutional Context, Tribal Sovereignty, and Race-Making in Fragmented States," 85 Am. Soc. Review 776 (2020)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Knick v. Township of Scott, Pennsylvania: Not the Revolution Some Hope for and Others Fear," 34 Probate & Property 38 (2020), 4 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Re-Centering Federal Indian Law," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), July 24, 2020 (reviewing Maggie Blackhawk, "Federal Indian Law as Paradigm Within Public Law," 132 Harv. L. Rev. 1787 (2019)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Indigenous Harms from a Global Development—Can International Economic Law Provide a Cure?" Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), July 24, 2019 (reviewing Sergio Puig, "International Indigenous Economic Law," 52 U.C. Davis. L. Rev. 1243 (2019)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Can the Constitutional Sin of Colonialism Be Redeemed?," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), July 6, 2018 (reviewing Seth Davis, “American Colonialism and Constitutional Redemption,” 105 Cal. L. Rev. 1751 (2018)).

Bethany R. Berger, "The Federal-Tribal Relationship: The View from the Executive Branch," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), Dec. 19, 2017 (reviewing Kevin K. Washburn, “What the Future Holds: The Changing Landscape of Federal Indian Policy,” 130 Harv. L. Rev. F. 200 (2017)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Reclaiming Lone Wolf?," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), Aug. 9, 2016 (reviewing Michalyn Steele, “Plenary Power, Political Questions, and Sovereignty in Indian Tribes,” 63 UCLA L. Rev. 666 (2016)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Diversely Native," 62 Federal Lawyer 54 (2015), 5 pages.

Bethany R. Berger, "Not So Schizophrenic: The Founders' Understanding of Indian Affairs and the Constitution," Jotwell: The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), May 26, 2015 (reviewing Gregory Ablavsky, "Beyond the Indian Commerce Clause," 124 Yale L.J. 1012 (2015)).

Bethany R. Berger, "Can a State Tax the Fuel That Is Sold by Non-Indian Distributors to a Tribal Gas Station?," 33 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 36 (2005), 6 pages.