
Jill Wieber Lens, Stillbirth and the Law (University of California Press, 2025).

Book Chapters

Jill Wieber Lens, "The Ultimate in Women’s Labor: Stillbirth and Grieving," with Joanne Cacciatore, in Routledge International Handbook of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health, edited by Jane M. Ussher, Joan C. Chrisler & Janette Perz. Routledge, 2020, at 308. 


Jill Wieber Lens, "Original Public Meaning and Pregnancy's Ambiguities,"  with Evan D. Bernick, 122 Michigan Law Review 1443 (2024), 75 pages. DOI: 10.36644/mlr.122.7.original 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Valuing Reproductive Loss," with Dov Fox, 112 Georgetown Law Journal 61 (2023), 50 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Abortion, Pregnancy Loss, & Subjective Fetal Personhood," with Greer Donley, 75 Vanderbilt Law Review 1649 (2022), 79 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Informed Consent Law's Role in Stillbirth Prevention: Response to Meghan Boone, Brietta Clark, and Nadia Sawicki," 107 Iowa Law Review Online 65 (2022), 17 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Counting Stillbirths," 56 UC Davis Law Review 525 (2022), 66 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Miscarriage, Stillbirth, & Reproductive Justice," 98 Washington University Law Review  1059 (2021), 58 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Second-Trimester Abortion Dangertalk," with Greer Donley, 62 Boston College Law Review 2145 (2021), 64 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Medical Paternalism, Stillbirth, & Blindsided Mothers," 106 Iowa Law Review 665 (2021), 56 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Children, Wrongful Death, and Punitive Damages," 100 Boston University Law Review 437 (2020), 64 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Tort Law's Devaluation of Stillbirth," 19 Nevada Law Journal 955 (2019), 60 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Justice Thomas, Civil Asset Forfeitures, and Punitive Damages," 51 UC Davis Law Review Online 33 (2017), 15 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Defective Punitive Damage Awards," 2017 Utah Law Review 1019 (2017), 42 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "An Undetectable Constitutional Violation," 106 Kentucky Law Journal 179 (2017), 43 pages. 

Jill Wieber Lens, "Stays of Injunctive Relief Pending Appeal: Why the Merits Should Not Matter," 43 Florida State University Law Review 1319 (2016), 40 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Product Recalls: Why is Tort Law Deferring to Agency Inaction?," 90 St. John's Law Review 329 (2016), 40 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Insurance Coverage for Elite Student-Athletes," 84 Mississippi Law Journal 127 (2014), 52 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Warning: A Post-Sale Duty to Warn Targets Small Manufacturers," 2014 Utah Law Review 1013 (2014), 50 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Tort Law's Deterrent Effect and Procedural Due Process," 50 Tulsa Law Review 115 (2014), 42 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Justice Holmes's Bad Man and the Depleted Purposes of Punitive Damages," 101 Kentucky Law Review 789 (2013), 49 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Procedural Due Process and Predictable Punitive Damage Awards," 2012 Brigham Young University Law Review 1 (2012), 71 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Honest Confusion: The Purpose of Compensatory Damages in Tort and Fraudulent Misrepresentation," 59 University of Kansas Law Review 231 (2011), 53 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "Punishing for the Injury: Tort Law's Influence on the Constitutional Limitations of Punitive Damage Awards," 39 Hofstra Law Review 595 (2011), 50 pages.

Jill Wieber Lens, "The (Overlooked) Consequence of Easing the Prohibition of Expert Legal Testimony in Professional Negligence Claims," 48 University of Louisville Law Review 53 (2009), 42 pages.

Jill A. Wieber, Note, "Second-Hand Choice: An Incapacitated Pregnant Woman's Constitutional Right to Choose Abortion," 90 Iowa Law Review 791 (2005), 28 pages.