
Jonathan C. Carlson. International Environmental Law and World Order: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook 4th, with Sir Geoffrey W.R. Palmer. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Pub. 2019, lviii, 1144 pages; Supplement of Basic Documents, with Sir Geoffrey W.R. Palmer. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Pub. 2019, xix, 1518 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson. International Environmental Law and World Order: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook 3d, with Sir Geoffrey W.R. Palmer and Burns H. Weston. St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters 2012, xc, 1564 pages; Supplement of Basic Documents, with Sir Geoffrey W.R. Palmer and Burns H. Weston. St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters 2012, xx, 1540 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, editor. International Law & World Order: Weston’s & Carlson’s Basic Documents, with Burns H. Weston. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2012-, various pagings.

Jonathan C. Carlson. International Environmental Law and World Order: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook 2d, with Lakshman D. Guruswamy, Sir Geoffrey W.R. Palmer, and Burns H. Weston. St. Paul, MN: West Group 1999, lxxxi, 1297 pages; Supplement of Basic Documents 1999, xix, 1549 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, editor. International Law & World Order: Basic Documents, with Burns H. Weston. Irvington, NY: Transnational Publishers 1994-2010, looseleaf, 9 volumes.

Jonathan C. Carlson. Criminal Law Questions and Answers. Chicago: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Legal and Professional Publications, 1991, 179 pages.

Book Chapters

Jonathan C. Carlson, "International Regulation of Trade in Chemicals," in Chemical Risk Governance, edited by Adam D.K. Abelkop, et al. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2023, at 462, 17 pages. (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, vol. XII).

Jonathan C. Carlson, “International Environmental Law, Climate Change, and Intergenerational Justice” (Appendix A, Background Paper No. 8), in Recalibrating the Law of Humans with the Laws of Nature: Climate Change, Human Rights, and Intergenerational Justice. South Royalton, VT: Climate Legacy Initiative, Vermont Law School 2009, 41 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Entrapment,” in Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, edited by David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications 2002, at 614, 4 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Commercial Transactions,” with John C. Reitz, in Introduction to the Law of the United States, 2nd ed., edited by David S. Clark and Tuğrul Ansay. The Hague; New York: Kluwer Law International 2002, at 281, 28 pages.


Jonathan C. Carlson, “Reining in Phaëthon’s Chariot: Principles for the Governance of Geoengineering,” with Adam D.K. Abelkop, 21 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 763 (2013), 45 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Reflections on a Problem of Climate Justice: Climate Change and the Rights of States in a Minimalist International Legal Order,” 18 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 45 (2009), 23 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, "Bush, Trade Protectionism and the Social Justice Movement,” University of Iowa Center for International Finance and Development, Perspective (July 2002).

Jonathan C. Carlson, "Answering Antiglobalist Angst,” 12 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 13 (2002), 20 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Strengthening the Property-Rights Regime for Plant Genetic Resources: The Role of the World Bank,” 6 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 91 (1996), 32 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “The United States Commitment to International Trade Law: The Role of a Declining Hegemon,” 1 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 81 (1991), 44 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Law and Leadership in the Global Schoolyard,” 75 Iowa Law Review 877 (1990), 13 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “A Missing Link in the International Debt Strategy: Trade Policy Reform in Industrial Nations,” 32 Howard Law Journal 771 (1990), 31 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “The Act Requirement and the Foundations of the Entrapment Defense,” 73 Virginia Law Review 1011 (1987), 98 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Hunger, Agricultural Trade Liberalization, and Soft International Law: Addressing the Legal Dimensions of a Political Problem,” 70 Iowa Law Review 1187 (1985), 91 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, "The Emerging Constitutional Jurisprudence of Justice Stevens," with Alan D. Smith, 46 University of Chicago Law Review 155 (1978), 81 pages.

Short Essays

Jonathan C. Carlson, "Pattison's Bid to Export Iowa Groundwater in Bulk: A Local Controversy with National Implications," IGWA UnderGround, Summer 2020, at 9, 5 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, "Burns H. Weston: A Passion for Progress,” 21 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 617 (2013), 4 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, “Preface: An Introduction to the Symposium (Symposium on Regional Economic Organizations),” 4 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, no. 1, at vii (1994), 6 pages.

Jonathan C. Carlson, "Introduction (Symposium: The Global Food Regime in the 1990’s: Efficiency, Stability and Equity),” 1 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, no.2, at i (1991), 9 pages.


Jonathan C. Carlson, “Evaluation of Proposed Lithuanian Foreign Investment Laws,” in American Bar Association, Central and East European Law Initiative, Analysis of Two Draft Proposals on Foreign Investment for Lithuania. Washington, DC: Central and East European Law Initiative 1993, at Appendix B, 24 pages.