
Josephine Gittler, Editor. Geocoding Health Data: The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice, with Gerard Rushton, Mark P. Armstrong, Barry R. Greene, Claire E. Pavlik, Michelle M. West, and Dale L. Zimmerman. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2007, 256 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Introduction to Mediation: Theory, Practice and Law. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa College of Law 2003, 191 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor and Contributor, Negotiation of Disputes Involving Children with Special Needs and Their Families: A Curriculum for Health Professionals and Parent Leaders. Iowa City, IA: Conflict Management Institute, 1997, 94 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Health Services for Children with Special Needs In A Changing Health Care Environment, with John C. MacQueen. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1995, vi, 42 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor, Providing Health Services in Schools, with John Robertson, Mary Brown, Jeanette Miyata, and Lisa Bainbridge. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1994, 123 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor, Drug-Exposed Children, Children with HIV Infection and Their Families: A Reader. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1993, ii, 176 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Working with Families with Abuse Problems: A Training Manual, with Wendy Deutelbaum, Marcia Allen, and John C. MacQueen. Iowa City, IA: National Resource Center on Family Based Services and National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1992, ii, 176 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Working with Families with Substance Abuse Problems: A Manual for Trainers, with Wendy Deutelbaum, Marcia Allen, and John C. MacQueen. Iowa City, IA: National Resource Center on Family Based Services and National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1992, ii, 86 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor, Obtaining Reimbursement from Medicaid and Private Insurers: A Survey of State Education Agencies, with Catherine Hansen. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1989.

Josephine Gittler, The Arkansas Juvenile Insulin Dependent Diabetic Health Maintenance Program, with Milo Colton. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resources Center, 1988, vi, 231 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Editor of and Contributor to Future Directions of Case Management Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs, with Milo Colton. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resources Center 1987, ix, 198 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Community-Based Systems of Comprehensive Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center 1988, v, 17 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Alternatives to Hospitalization for Technology Dependent Children: Program Models, with Milo Colton. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center 1987, xiv, 345 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Community-Based Case Management Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs: Program Models, with Milo Colton. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center 1986, xv, 296 pages.

Josephine Gittler. The Title V State Programs and the Provision of Case Management Services for Children with Special Care Needs, with Milo Colton. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center 1986, xiii, 125 pages.

Josephine Gittler, The Maternal and Child Health Block Grant and State Lead Poisoning Prevention Activities. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1984, 39 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Reporter of Standards Relating to the Juvenile Probation Function: Intake and Predisposition Investigative Services, Tentative Draft. Issued by Institute of Judicial Administration and American Bar Association, Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co. 1980, xv, 150 pages.

Josephine Gittler. Reporter of Standards Relating to the Juvenile Probation Function: Intake and Predisposition Investigative Services, Tentative Draft. Issued by Institute of Judicial Administration and American Bar Association, Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co. 1977, xi, 150 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor of and Contributor to Connecticut Penal Code Title 53a: Reference Manual. Hartford, CT: State of Connecticut Judicial Department, 1971, iii, 210 pages.

Book Chapters

Josephine Gittler, “Cancer Registry Data and Geocoding Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security Issues,” in Geocoding Health Data: The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice, edited by Gerard Rushton, Mark P. Armstrong, Josephine Gittler, Barry R. Greene, Claire E. Pavlik, Michelle M. West, and Dale L. Zimmerman. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2008, at 195, 30 pages.

Josephine Gittler, "Cancer Reporting and Registry Statutes and Regulations," in Geocoding Health Data. The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice, edited by Gerard Rushton et al. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.

Josephine Gittler, “Efforts to Reform Child and Family Services: The Political Context and Lessons to be Learned,” in Toward a Child-Centered, Neighborhood-Based Child Protection System, edited by Gary B. Melton, Ross A. Thompson, and Mark A. Small. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers 2002, at 115, 27 pages.

“Federal Legislation for Children with Special Health Needs and Their Families: Past, Present and Future,” with Helen M. Wallace, in Mosby’s Resource Guide to Children with Disabilities and Chronic Illness, edited by Helen M. Wallace, et al. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book 1997, at 81, 13 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Future Directions of Community-Based Service Systems for Children with Special Needs and Their Families,” with John C. MacQueen, in Mosby’s Resource Guide to Children with Disabilities and Chronic Illness, edited by Helen M. Wallace, et al. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book 1997, at 57, 15 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Legal Rights of Children with Disabilities,” in Mosby’s Resource Guide to Children with Disabilities and Chronic Illness, edited by Helen M. Wallace, et al. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book 1997, at 97, 9 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Contributor, Case Management Resource Collection, edited by Terry Ohlson, Joicey L. Hurth, and Evelyn B. Hausslein. Chapel Hill, NC: National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System 1990, 12 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Case Management for Children with Special Health Care Needs,” in Maternal and Child Health Practices 3d, edited by Helen M. Wallace, George M. Ryan, Jr., and Allan C. Oglesby. Oakland, CA: Third Party Publishing Company 1988, at 659, 8 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Gramm Rudman Hollings Legislation,” in Making Change Happen: Strategies and Tactics Toward Improving Health Services, Chicago: School of Public Health, University of Illinois 1986, 9 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Contributor to Iowa Juvenile Code Manual. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Crime Commission. Juvenile Justice Advisory Council 1978, (looseleaf), 27 pages.


Josephine Gittler, "Reforming Iowa's Guardianship and Conservatorship System: Minor Guardianships," with Kathleen Kilnoski, Jerry Foxhoven, and others, Drake Law Review Discourse, June 2018 at 101, 33 pages.

Josephine Gittler, "Reforming Iowa's Guardianship and Conservatorship System: An Introduction," with Bruce Zager and Jerry Foxhoven, Drake Law Review Discourse, March 2018 at 101, 57 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Family Caregiving and the Law of Succession: A Proposal (Symposium: The Uniform Probate Code: Remaking American Succession Law),” with Thomas P. Gallanis, 45 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 761 (2012), 26 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Advance Care Planning and Surrogate Health Care Decision Making for Older Adults,” 37 Journal of Gerontological Nursing 15 (2011), 5 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Governmental Efforts to Improve Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents and to Protect Them from Mistreatment: A Survey of Federal and State Laws,” 1 Research in Gerontological Nursing 264 (2008), 21 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Nursing Home Staffing and Training Recommendations for Promoting Older Adults’ Quality of Care and Life: Part 1. Deficits in the Quality of Care Due to Understaffing and Undertraining,” with Meridean L. Maas, Janet P. Specht, Kathleen C. Buckwalter, and Kate Bechen, 1 Research in Gerontological Nursing 123 (2008), 11 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Nursing Home Staffing and Training Recommendations for Promoting Older Adults’ Quality of Care and Life: Part 2. Increasing Nurse Staffing and Training,” with Meridean L. Maas, Janet P. Specht, Kathleen C. Buckwalter, and Kate Bechen, 1 Research in Gerontological Nursing 134 (2008), 19 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Geocoding in Cancer Research – A Review,” with Gerard Rushton, Marc P. Armstrong, Barry R. Greene, Claire E. Pavlik, Michele M. West, and Dale L. Zimmerman, 30 American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Supplement no.1) S16 (Feb. 2006), 9 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Unmet Need for Community-Based Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Among Rural Adolescents,” with Rachel L. Anderson, 41 Community Mental Health Journal 35 (2005), 15 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “The American Drug War, Maternal Substance Abuse and Child Protection: A Commentary,” 7 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 237 (2003), 29 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Conflict Management in Early Intervention: Procedural Safeguards and Mediation,” with Joicey Hurth, 11 Infants and Young Children 15 (July 1998), 13 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Conflict Management in Early Intervention: Problem-Solving Negotiation,” with Joicey Hurth, 11 Infants and Young Children 28 (July 1998), 9 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Victim-Offender Mediation and Balanced and Restorative Justice for Juveniles,” 2 Family Futures no.3, at 34 (1998), 3 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Controlling Resurgent Tuberculosis: Public Health Agencies, Public Policy and Law,” 19 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 107 (1994), 41 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “HIV Infection Among Women of Reproductive Age, Children, and Adolescents: An Introduction,” with Merle McPherson, 77 Iowa Law Review 1283 (1992), 30 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “HIV Infection Among Women and Children and Antidiscrimination Laws: An Overview,” with Sharon Rennert, 77 Iowa Law Review 1313 (1992), 76 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Prenatal Substance Abuse,” with Merle McPherson, 19 Children Today no. 4, at 3, (1990), 5 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Infants Born Exposed to Drugs: The Legal Problems,” 1 Early Childhood Reporter 5 (July 1990), 9 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Infants Born Exposed to Drugs: A Problem Growing at Alarming Rates,” 1 Early Childhood Reporter 1 (July 1990), 7 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Hospital Cost Containment in Iowa: A Guide for State Public Policymakers,” 69 Iowa Law Review 1263 (1984), 87 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Expanding the Role of the Victim in a Criminal Action: An Overview of Issues and Problems,” 11 Pepperdine Law Review no. 5, (1984) at 117, 66 pages.


Josephine Gittler, Reporter. "Reforming Iowa’s Guardianship and Conservatorship System," Iowa Guardianship and Conservatorship Reform Task Force, Final Report. August 2017, 283 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Court-Connected General Civil Mediation Programs: Issues and Options with Respect to Mediators,” in Reforming the Iowa Civil Justice System: Report of the Iowa Civil Justice Reform Task Force. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Civil Justice Reform Task Force, 2012, at H:1, 47 pages.

Josephine Gittler, State Discipline of Physicians: Assessing State Medical Boards through Case Studies, Final Report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Policy and Evaluation, Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy, with Randall R. Bovbjerg and Pablo Aliaga. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, February 2006, xi, 92 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Title V and State Programs for CSHCN: A Legislative History,” in Implementing Title V CSHCN Programs: A Reference Manual for State Programs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, DHS, HRSA. Washington, DC: United States Department of Health and Human Services, 1998, 7 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor, The Title V State CSHCN Programs and Developing Community-Based Service Systems: Progress Report, with John C. MacQueen. Issued by Work Group on Systems Development, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, PHS, HRSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1992, vi, 219 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor, The Title V State CSHCN Programs and Developing Community-Based Service Systems: Progress Report - Summary, with John C. MacQueen. Issued by Work Group on Systems Development, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, PHS, HRSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1992, ii, 47 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Consent and Confidentiality in Adolescent Health Care Decisionmaking,” with Michael Saks and Mary Quigley-Rick, in Adolescent Health: Volume 3 - Crosscutting Issues in the Delivery of Health and Related Services. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1991, at 123, 35 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor of Needs Assessment and the Development of Community-Based Services: An Annotated Bibliography of Resources, with Anita Farel. Issued by Work Group on Systems Development, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, PHS, HRSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1991, iv, 39 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Editor of and contributor to Developing Community-Based Systems of Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families: An Overview. Issued by Work Group on Systems Development, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, PHS, HRSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1991, v, 155 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Reporter of Developing Community-Based Service Systems for Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families: Guidance Materials with Comments. Issued by Work Group on Systems Development, Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, PHS, HRSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1991, iv, 49 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Adolescent Health Care Decision Making: The Law and Public Policy, with Michael Saks and Mary Quigley-Rick. Background Paper for Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development. Washington, DC: The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1990, 142 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Drug-Exposed Infants: Summary of Remarks” with Theo Sonderegger, 136 Congressional Record 838 (Jan. 30, 1990), 2 pages.

Josephine Gittler, A National Goal, Building Service Delivery System for Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families. Issued by Bureau of Maternal and Child Health and Resource Development HRSA, PHS, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Iowa City, IA: National Maternal & Child Health Resource Center, 1988, 8 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “Organizing Services for Selected Populations: Juveniles in Confinement,” in 1 Better Health for Our Children: A National Strategy. Report by the Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health. Washington, DC: United States Department of Health and Human Services, 1981, 5 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Recommendation for Amendment of Title V. Lincoln, NE: Association of Maternal and Child Health Care Directors and Crippled Children Services Directors, 1981, 17 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Title V: Federal Assistance for Maternal and Child Care - A Proposed Statute with Commentary. Evanston, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1981, 17 pages.

Josephine Gittler, “The Reduction of and Alternatives to Foster Care” and “Role of the Courts,” in Foster Care in Iowa: A Closer Look. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Social Services, Division of Operations Control, Bureau of Review and Evaluation, 1980, at 41, 6 pages, and at 66, 2 pages.

Congressional Testimony

Josephine Gittler, Catastrophic Health Insurance: The Needs of Children, Joint Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Health and Long Term Care of the House Select Committee on Aging and the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, 100th Congress, 1st Session 83 (1987) (statement), 8 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1985, Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Part 9 Testimony of Members of Congress and Interested Individuals and Organizations, 98th Congress, 2d Session 183-205 (1984) (oral testimony and prepared statement), 23 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Impact of Federal Spending Cuts on Maternal and Child Health Care, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 98th Congress, 1st Session 92-112 (1983) (oral testimony and prepared statement), 21 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1983, Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Part 9 Testimony of Members of Congress and Interested Individuals and Organizations, 98th Congress, 1st Session 511-533 (1982) (oral testimony and prepared statement), 23 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Annual Report: Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Made by Its Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency Pursuant to S. Res. 170, 95th Congress, 1st Session, (S. Rep. 95-735) (1978), (Josephine Gittler, Chief Counsel for Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency), 32 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Amendments to the Juvenile Justice Act of 1974, Report by the Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 95th Congress, 1st Session (S. Rep. 95-165) (1977), (Josephine Gittler, Chief Counsel to Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency), 135 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977, Report by the Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 95th Congress, 1st Session (S. Rep. 95-438) (1977), (Josephine Gittler, Chief Counsel to Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency), 34 pages.

Statutory Drafting

Josephine Gittler, Principal draftsperson of An Act Relating to a Complete Revision of the Juvenile Justice Laws and Subjecting Persons to Existing Penalties, Ch. 1088, 67th G.A., 1978 Iowa Acts 423, 65 pages.

Josephine Gittler, Principal draftsperson of An Act Relating to Child Abuse, Ch. 1162, 65th G.A., 1974 Iowa Acts 504, 12 pages.

Short Pieces

Josephine Gittler, “Iowa’s Vulnerable Deserve Even More Reforms to Guardianship Law,” US Law Week, Mar. 10, 2023.

Josephine Gittler, “Britney Spears’ Troubling Conservatorship Isn’t Unique. Iowa Officials Must Continue to Battle Abuses,” Des Moines Register, July 1, 2021.