
Leonard A. Sandler, "Help! Accommodating Learners with Disabilities During Practice-based Activities," with Susan Vos and Raemi Chavez, 4 Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy 730 (2021), 8 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, "A Protocol for Examining and Mapping Elder Abuse Pathways in Iowa," with Brian Kaskie, 59 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 27 (2019), 54 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, "Developing an Inclusive and Welcoming LGBTQ Clinic," with Nicole L. Nisly, MD and others, 61 Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology 646 (2018), 17 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “The Washington Court Housing Survey: A Study of Accessibility and Universal Design in Affordable Housing - Executive Summary,” 19 Journal of Affordable Housing 191 (2010), 14 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “The Quest to Make Accessibility a Corporate Article of Faith at Microsoft: Case Study of Corporate Culture and Human Resource Dimensions,” with Peter David Blanck, 23 Behavioral Sciences & the Law 39 (2005), 26 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “ADA Title III and the Internet: Technology and Civil Rights,” with Peter David Blanck, 24 Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter 855 (2000), 5 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “The Emerging Workforce of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities: Preliminary Study of Entrepreneurship in Iowa,” with Peter David Blanck, James L. Schmeling, and Helen A. Schartz, 85 Iowa Law Review 1583 (2000), 88 pages.

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Leonard A. Sandler, ed., The Iowa Guide to Changing Legal Identity Documents: A Handbook and Roadmap for Transgender Individuals Interested in Changing Their Legal Name and Gender on Government and Personal Records and Accounts (2024).

Leonard A. Sandler. The Elder Abuse Pathway in East Central Iowa, with Brian Kaskie, U.S. Department of Justice Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Summit, Des Moines, IA, (2018), 102 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, Where Do I Fit In? A Snapshot of Transgender Discrimination in Iowa. (2016) In conjunction with the UI LGBTQ Health Clinic

Leonard A. Sandler, Home Modification Assistance Program: State agencies were required by law to develop a plan to provide grants and individual income tax credits to assist with expenses related to the making of permanent home modifications that permit individuals with a disability to remain in their homes. (December 2015)

Leonard A. Sandler, “Privacy & Confidentiality of Medical Information and Records: A Guide and Workshop Toolkit to Help You Understand and Decide If, When and How To Disclose Protected and Confidential Health, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Information (HIPAA Privacy Rule, Iowa Code Chapter 228, 42 CFR Part 2): Prepared for the Johnson County System of Care Group by the University of Iowa Clinical Law Programs,” November 30, 2012, 38 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “A Comparative Study: Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals Under the Fair Housing Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act & An Overview of Assistance Animal Laws of Select States: A Report to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission (2010), 27 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “The Use of Undercover Testers to Detect and Eliminate Discrimination in the Selection and Hiring of Employees: A Special Report to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission (2010), 35 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “The Washington Court Housing Survey: A Study of Accessibility and Universal Design in Affordable Housing: A Report Prepared by the University of Iowa Clinical Law Program,” (2009), 42 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “Calling On the Iowa Utilities Board To Improve Telephone Access for Persons with Disabilities (2002): A Report Prepared by the University of Iowa Clinical Law Program,” April 24, 2002, 68 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, “County Management Plans for MH/DD Services Policy and Procedures Manuals Best Practices Materials,” (1999).

Statutory Drafting

Leonard A. Sandler, Iowa Department of Education Administrative Rules, 281 IAC Chapter 103 – Corporal Punishment, Physical Restraint, Seclusion, and Other Physical Contact with Students, Effective January 20, 2021. A new Chapter of rules that clarify that corporal punishment, prone restraint, and mechanical restraint are prohibited; explain the parameters and protocols for the use of physical restraint and seclusion; and describe other limits on physical contact with students, with Clinic Law Students, IDOE, Co-Petitioners and IDOE stakeholder group.

Leonard A. Sandler. Iowa Human Trafficking Act (2015), 710A.6 Outreach, public awareness, and training programs. The crime victim assistance division of the department of justice, in cooperation with other governmental agencies and nongovernmental or community organizations, shall develop and conduct outreach, public awareness, and training programs for the general public, law enforcement agencies, first responders, potential victims, and persons conducting or regularly dealing with businesses or other ventures that have a high statistical incidence of debt bondage or forced labor or services. The programs shall train participants to recognize and report incidents of human trafficking and to suppress the demand that fosters exploitation of persons and leads to human trafficking.

Leonard A. Sandler, Cedar Rapids Ordinance 003-12 (2012), codified at Cedar Rapids Municipal Code Chapter 69. [Extends civil rights protections to all protected classes of individuals in credit, education, employment, housing, and public accommodations; holds designers and builders responsible for meeting Fair Housing Act and Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility standards until compliance is achieved; provides for local enforcement of Americans with Disabilities Act public accommodations provisions; details the rights and responsibilities of persons with disabilities to be accompanied by or live with animals that assist, support, or provide or perform a disability-related service or task; protects individuals from retaliation and from discrimination based on association with someone in a protected class.]

Leonard A. Sandler, Iowa City Ordinance 02-4033 (2002), codified at City Code of Iowa City §17-1-3. [Amendment to the city’s building codes: “The provisions of this section are enacted to implement the city's policy that structures regulated by this code constructed with public funds be constructed using universal design features that provide accessibility and usability for all.”]

Leonard A. Sandler, Iowa Assistive Device Tax Credit Act (2000), Ch. 1194, §11, 78th G.A., 2000 Iowa Acts 578, codified at Iowa Code §422.11E, 2 pages; and implementing regulations, Iowa Administrative Code 261-66.1 to 66.8, 701-42.14, and 701-42.23, 5 pages.

Leonard A. Sandler, Iowa Assistive Device Warranty Act (1998), Ch. 1042 §§1-7, 77th G.A., 1998 Iowa Acts 47, codified at Iowa Code §§ 216E1 to 216E7, 5 pages.