Marc Linder. “Inherently Bad, and Bad Only": A History of State-Level Regulation of Cigarettes and Smoking in the United States Since the 1880s. Volume 1: An In-Depth National Study Embedding Ultra-Thick Description of a Representative State (Iowa). Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa 2012, lxxxvi, 3672 pages.
Marc Linder. Wars of Attrition: Vietnam, the Business Roundtable, and the Decline of the Construction Unions. United Association edition. Washington, DC: Kelly Press 2012, xix, 434 pages.
Marc Linder. “Time and a Half’s the American Way”: A History of the Exclusion of White-Collar Workers from Overtime Regulation, 1868-2004. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhu Press, 2004, xlvii, 1342 pages.
Marc Linder. Void Where Prohibited Revisited: The Trickle-Down Effect of OSHA's At-Will Bathroom-Break Regulation. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press, 2003, xii, 382 pages.
Marc Linder. The Autocratically Flexible Workplace: A History of Overtime Regulation in the United States. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2002. viii, 532 pages.
Marc Linder. Translator of and author of introduction and notes to God Tempers the Wind to the Shorn Lamb by Mogens Klitgaard; with the assistance of Gitte Gaarsvig Sørensen. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2002, xxv, 148 pages.
Marc Linder. Translator of and author of introduction and notes to The Day Laborers and the New Times, by Hans Kirk. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2001, xlvii, 554 pages.
Marc Linder. Translator of and author of introduction to There’s a Man Sitting on a Trolley, by Mogens Klitgaard. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2001, xlix, 228 pages.
Marc Linder. Translator of and author of introduction and notes to The Fishermen by Hans Kirk, 2nd rev. & enlarged edition. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2000, xxxi, 305 pages.
Marc Linder. Wars of Attrition: Vietnam, the Business Roundtable, and the Decline of the Construction Unions, 2nd rev. ed., 2000, xix, 434 pages
Marc Linder. “Moments Are the Elements of Profit”: Overtime and the Deregulation of Working Hours under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2000, xvii, 524 pages.
Marc Linder. Translator of and author of introduction to The Slave, by Hans Kirk. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 2000, ix, 150 pages.
Marc Linder. Of Cabbages and Kings County: Agriculture and the Formation of Modern Brooklyn, with Lawrence S. Zacharias. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press 1999, x, 478 pages; 2nd rev. ed. 2000, xix, 434 pages.
Marc Linder. Translator of and author of introduction and notes to The Fishermen by Hans Kirk. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 1999, xxiii, 305 pages.
Marc Linder. Wars of Attrition: Vietnam, the Business Roundtable, and the Decline of the Construction Unions. Iowa City, IA: Fănpìhuà Press 1999, xix, 434 pages.
Marc Linder, Void Where Prohibited: Rest Breaks and the Right to Urinate on Company Time, with Ingrid Nygaard. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press 1998, 244 pages.
Marc Linder. The Dilemmas of Laissez faire Population Policy in Capitalist Societies: When the Invisible Hand Controls Reproduction. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 1997, xvii, 354 pages.
Marc Linder. Labor Statistics and Class Struggle. New York: International Publishers 1994, vii, 122 pages.
Marc Linder. Projecting Capitalism: A History of the Internationalization of the Construction Industry. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 1994, xv, 270 pages.
Marc Linder. Migrant Workers and Minimum Wages: Regulating the Exploitation of Agricultural Labor in the United States. Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1992, xxi, 322 pages.
Marc Linder. Farewell to the Self-Employed: Deconstructing a Socioeconomic and Legal Solipsism. New York: Greenwood Press 1992, viii, 189 pages.
Marc Linder. The Employment Relationship in Anglo-American Law: A Historical Perspective. New York: Greenwood Press 1989, xv, 294 pages.
Marc Linder. The Supreme Labor Court in Nazi Germany: A Jurisprudential Analysis. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann 1987, xix, 290 pages.
Marc Linder. European Labor Aristocracies: Trade Unionism, the Hierarchy of Skill, and the Stratification of the Manual Working Class Before the First World War. Frankfurt: Campus 1985, 343 pages.
Marc Linder. Anti-Samuelson, with Julius Sensat and George Caffentzis. New York: Urizen Books 1977, 2 vols., xv, 395, 472 pages.
Marc Linder. Reification and the Consciousness of the Critics of Political Economy: Studies in the Development of Marx’ Theory of Value. Copenhagen: Rhodos 1975, vi, 375 pages.
Marc Linder. Der Anti-Samuelson: Kritik eines repräsentativen Lehrbuchs der bürgerlichen Ökonomie. Gaiganz: Politladen 1974, 4 vols., 276, 272, 340, 216 pages.
Marc Linder, “Dependent and Independent Contractors in Recent U.S. Labor Law: An Ambiguous Dichotomy Rooted in Simulated Statutory Purposelessness,” 21 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 187 (1999), 44 pages.
Marc Linder, “Enforcing Fair Labor Standards in the Modern American Sweatshop: Rediscovering the Statutory Definition of Employment,” with Bruce Goldstein, Laurence E. Norton II, and Catherine K. Ruckelshaus, 46 UCLA Law Review 983 (1999), 181 pages.
Marc Linder, "A History of Medical Scientists on High Heels," 28 International Journal of Health Services 201 (1998), 25 pages.
Marc Linder, “Smart Women, Stupid Shoes, and Cynical Employers: The Unlawfulness and Adverse Health Consequences of Sexually Discriminatory Workplace Footwear Requirements for Female Employees,” 22 Journal of Corporation Law 295 (1997), 35 pages.
Marc Linder, “What's Black and White and Red All Over? The Blood Tax on Newspapers--or, How Publishers Exclude Newscarriers from Workers’ Compensation,” 3 Loyola Poverty Law Journal 57 (1997), 55 pages.
Marc Linder, “Eisenhower Era Marxist Confiscatory Taxation: Requiem for the Rhetoric of Rate Reduction for the Rich,” 70 Tulane Law Review 905 (1996), 136 pages.
Marc Linder, “Down and Out in Weslaco, Texas and Washington, D.C.: Race-Based Discrimination Against Farm Workers Under Federal Unemployment Insurance,” with Laurence E. Norton II, 29 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 177 (1995), 40 pages.
Marc Linder, “I Gave My Employer a Chicken That Had No Bone: Joint Firm State Responsibility for Line Speed Related Occupational Injuries,” 46 Case Western Reserve Law Review 33 (1995), 111 pages.
Marc Linder, “I Like Ike: Bringing Back Eisenhower-Era Progressive Taxation,” 67 Tax Notes 833 (1995), 4 pages.
Marc Linder, "Playing Chicken with People: The Occupational Safety and Health Consequences of Throughput Uber Alles," 25 International Journal of Health Services 633 (1995), 34 pages.
Marc Linder, “What Hath Zoe Baird Wrought? The New FICA Amendments on Domestic Service Employees,” 66 Tax Notes 113 (1995), 6 pages.
Marc Linder, “Fatal Subtraction: Statistical MIAs on the Industrial Battlefield,” 20 Journal of Legislation 99 (1994), 47 pages.
Marc Linder, “Closing the Gap Between Reich and Poor: Which Side Is the Department of Labor On?” 21 New York University Review of Law & Social Change 1 (1993), 32 pages.
Marc Linder, “MacKinnon on Marx on Marriage and Morals: An Otsogistic Odyssey,” 41 Buffalo Law Review 451 (1993), 72 pages.
Marc Linder, “Opening Coase’s Other Black Box: Why Workers Submit to Vertical Integration into Firms,” with Larry Zacharias, 18 Journal of Corporation Law 371 (1993), 54 pages.
Marc Linder, “Tax Glasnost for Millionaires: Peeking Behind the Veil of Ignorance Along the Publicity-Privacy Continuum,” 18 New York University Review of Law & Social Change 951 (1990), 36 pages.
Marc Linder, “Class Struggle at the Door: The Origins of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947,” 39 Buffalo Law Review 53 (1991), 128 pages.
Marc Linder, “From Street Urchins to Little Merchants: The Juridical Transvaluation of Child Newspaper Carriers,” 63 Temple Law Review 829 (1990), 36 pages.
Marc Linder, “Self-Employment and the Petty Bourgeosie: Comment on Steinmetz and Wright,” with John Houghton, 96 American Journal of Sociology 727 (1990), 9 pages.
Marc Linder, “Paternalistic State Intervention: The Contradictions of the Legal Empowerment of Vulnerable Workers,” 23 U.C. Davis Law Review 733 (1990), 40 pages.
Marc Linder, “The Minimum Wage as Industrial Policy: A Forgotten Role,” 16 Journal of Legislation 151 (1990), 21 pages.
Marc Linder, “Petty-Bourgeois Pickle Pickers: An Agricultural Labor-Law Hoax Comes a Cropper,” 25 Tulsa Law Journal 195 (1989), 66 pages.
Marc Linder, “Crewleaders and Agricultural Sweatshops: The Lawful and Unlawful Exploitation of Migrant Farmworkers,” 23 Creighton Law Review 213 (1990), 21 pages.
Marc Linder, “The Joint Employment Doctrine: Clarifying Joint Legislative-Judicial Confusion,” 10 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 321 (1989), 25 pages.
Marc Linder, “Towards Universal Worker Coverage Under the National Labor Relations Act: Making Room for Uncontrolled Employees, Dependent Contractors, and Employee-Like Persons,” 66 University of Detroit Law Review 555 (1989), 47 pages.
Marc Linder, “What Is An Employee? Why It Does, But Should Not, Matter,” 7 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 155 (1988), 33 pages.
Marc Linder, “The Involuntary Conversion of Employees Into Self-Employed: The Internal Revenue Service and Section 530,” 22 Clearinghouse Review 14 (1988), 8 pages.
Marc Linder, “Farm Workers and the Fair Labor Standards Act: Racial Discrimination in the New Deal,” 65 Texas Law Review 1335 (1987), 59 pages.
Marc Linder, “Employees, Not-So-Independent Contractors, and the Case of Migrant Farmworkers: A Challenge to the ‘Law and Economics’ Agency Doctrine,” 15 New York University Review of Law & Social Change 435 (1987), 41 pages.
Marc Linder, “Self-Employment as a Cyclical Escape from Unemployment: A Case Study of the Construction Industry in the United States During the Postwar Period,” 2 Research in the Sociology of Work 261 (1983), 14 pages.
Book Reviews
Marc Linder, Review of Self-Employment: A Labor Market Perspective, by Robert L. Aronson. 97 American Journal of Sociology 1498 (1992), 2 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Governing the Workplace: The Future of Labor and Employment Law, by Paul C. Weiler. 9 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 343 (1991), 15 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Social Security Policies in Industrial Countries: A Comparative Analysis, by Margaret Gordon. La Verdad 3 (February 1990), 1 page.
Marc Linder, Review of Poor Support: Poverty in the American Family, by David T. Ellwood. 23 Clearinghouse Review 973 (1989), 3 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of The Contingent Economy: The Growth of the Temporary, Part-Time and Subcontracted Workforce, by Richard Belous. La Verdad 3 (December 1989), 1 page.
Marc Linder, Review of The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy, by William Julius Wilson. 23 Clearinghouse Review 263 (1989), 3 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Betriebsgemeinschaft und Volksgemeinschaft, by Wolfgang Spohn. 15 Ius Commune 427 (1988), 7 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Kapitalakkumulation i Danmark efter 1940, by Jens Brinch. 2 Diskussion og Kritik 11 (1975), 10 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of The Challenge of World Poverty, by Gunnar Myrdal. 35 Science and Society 227 (1971), 5 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Kritik der politischen ökonomie huete. Sozialistische Politik 124 (December 1969), 2 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Die Wissenschaftslogik bei Marx und “Das Kapital,” by J. Zeleny. Sonderheft 2 Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 82 (October 1969), 3 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Kritik der politischen ökonomie huete. Sonderheft 2 Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 113 (October 1969), 2 pages.
Marc Linder, Review of Der junge Hegel, by Georg Lukacs and Kritische Theorie, by Max Horkheimer. Sozialistische Politik 76 (October 1969), 6 pages.