N. William Hines, Editor of and contributor to The History of the Iowa Law School, 1865 - 2010. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Law School, 2011, xiii, 625 pages.
N. William Hines, Rational Institutional Arrangements for Water Resources Management, with Jamison P. Smith. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, 1973, 142 leaves.
N. William Hines, Physical, Legal and Economic Aspects of Assessment of Costs Among Drainage Districts: Legal Phase: Completion Report of Project No. B-005-IA, with Frank W. Pechacek, Jr. Ames, IA: Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute, 1969, 68, [10] pages.
N. William Hines, “Nor Any Drop to Drink: Public Regulation of Water Quality, Part II: Interstate Arrangements for Pollution Control,” reprint from the Iowa Law Review, vol. 52, no. 2 (October 1966).
N. William Hines, Editor of and contributor to Water Pollution: Control and Abatement, Proceedings of the Iowa Water Resources Pollution Control and Abatement Seminar, Iowa State University, 1965, with Ted L. Willrich. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1967, xi, 194 pages.
N. William Hines, A Decade of Experience Under the Iowa Water Permit System. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, State University of Iowa, 1966, 99 pages.
N. William Hines, Planning Farm Property Transfers Within Families in Iowa, with John F. Timmons. Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 1966, 47 pages.
N. William Hines, Editor of and contributor to Methods for Legal-Economic Research into Rural Problems, with Marshall Harris. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, University of Iowa, 1966, x, 174 pages (Monograph No. 8).
N. William Hines, Estate Planning: Iowa Joint Tenancies. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, State University of Iowa, 1965, iv, 47 pages (Monograph No. 7).
N. William Hines, Installment Land Contracts in Iowa, with Marshall Harris. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, State University of Iowa, 1965, v, 122 pages (Monograph No. 5).
N. William Hines, Legal Aspects of the Small Watershed Program in Iowa, with Charles Campbell and Marshall Harris. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, State University of Iowa, 1965, v, 45 pages (Monograph No. 6).
N. William Hines, Iowa Farm Fence Law, with Marshall Harris. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, State University of Iowa, 1964, 34 pages (Monograph No. 4).
N. William Hines, Editor of Family Farm Corporations, with Marshall Harris. Iowa City, IA: Agricultural Law Center, College of Law, State University of Iowa, 1963, vii, 104 pages (Monograph No. 2).
Book Chapters
N. William Hines, “Stati-Uniti d’America” (The United States of America), in La Tutela del Paessagio (Protection of Scenic Areas). Turin: Unione Tipografico-Editrice, 1979, 73 pages.
N. William Hines, “Estate Planning for the Family Farmer and Rancher,” in 10th Annual Institute on Estate Planning. Prepared for Institute on Estate Planning, University of Miami Law Center. Indianapolis, IN: Newkirk Assoc., 1976, at 3-1, 37 pages.
N. William Hines, “Special Problems in Planning the Agricultural Businessman’s Estate,” in Seventh Annual Institute on Estate Planning. Prepared for Institute on Estate Planning, University of Miami Law Center. Indianapolis, IN: Newkirk Assoc., 1973, at 11-1, 40 pages.
N. William Hines, “Legal Aspects of Agricultural Pollution,” in Agricultural Practices and Water Quality, edited by Ted L. Willrich and George E. Smith. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1971, at 365, 12 pages.
N. William Hines, "Should the Recent Timbs and Dobbs Decisions Revive Interest in the Excessive Fines Clause as the Constitutional Basis for Federal Regulation of Punitive Damages?," 109 Iowa Law Review Online 46 (2024), 37 pages.
N. William Hines, CAFOs and U.S. Law, 107 Iowa Law Review Online 19 (2022), 46 pages.
N. William Hines, "A Concise History of the Iowa Agricultural Law Center, 1953-1973," 24 Drake Journal of Agricultural Law 175 (2019), 24 pages.
N. William Hines, "Constitutional Constraints on Punitive Damages: Clarity, Consistency, and the Outlier Dilemma," with Laura J. Hines, 66 Hastings Law Journal 1257 (2015), 60 pages.
N. William Hines, “History of the 1972 Clean Water Act: The Story Behind How the 1972 Act Became the Capstone on a Decade of Extraordinary Environmental Reform,” 4 George Washington Journal of Energy & Environmental Law 80 (2013), 27 pages.
N. William Hines, “Joint Tenancies in Iowa Today,” 98 Iowa Law Review 1233 (2013), 42 pages.
N. William Hines, “Burns Weston Tribute,” 21 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 607 (2013), 5 pages.
N. William Hines, “Marching to a Different Drummer: Are Lower Courts Faithfully Implementing the Evolving Due Process Guideposts to Catch and Correct Excessive Punitive Damages Awards?,” 62 Catholic University Law Review 371 (2013), 58 pages.
N. William Hines, "In Memoriam: Judge Donald P. Lay," 92 Iowa Law Review 1568 (2007)
N. William Hines, “Ten Major Changes in Legal Education in the Past 25 Years [Part 2],” 2005 AALS Newsletter no. 4, at 1 (November 2005), 5 pages.
N. William Hines, “Empirical Scholarship: What Should We Study and How Should We Study It?” 2005 AALS Newsletter no. 1, at 1 (February 2005), 6 pages.
N. William Hines, “Ten Major Changes in Legal Education in the Past 25 Years [Part 1],” 2005 AALS Newsletter no. 3, at 1 (August 2005), 6 pages.
N. William Hines, “Memories of David H. Vernon,” 87 Iowa Law Review 821 (2002), 3 pages.
N. William Hines, “David H. Vernon: The Legacy of His Visionary Deanship,” 27 Journal of Corporation Law 499 (2002), 5 pages.
N. William Hines, “Memories of Alan I. Widiss,” 86 Iowa Law Review 1373 (2001), 2 pages.
N. William Hines, “Are Students a Dean’s Primary Constituency?” 31 The University of Toledo Law Review 629 (2000), 7 pages.
N. William Hine, “The Land Ethic and American Agriculture,” 27 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 841 (1994), 9 pages.
N. William Hines, “Implied Conditions of Personal Survivorship in Iowa Future Interests Law,” 75 Iowa Law Review 941 (1990), 8 pages.
N. William Hines, “The Iowa Law Review: A Tradition of Excellence,” 75 Iowa Law Review 821 (1990), 7 pages.
N. William Hines, "In Memoriam: Donald W. Sutherland," 72 Iowa Law Review 463 (1987), 9 pages.
N. William Hines, “Introductory Remarks upon the Dedication of the Boyd Law Building,” 72 Iowa Law Review 1171 (1987), 4 pages.
N. William Hines, “Allan Delker Vestal: In Memoriam,” 70 Iowa Law Review 4 (1984), 2 pages.
N. William Hines, “Should Permanent Faculty Teach First-Year Legal Writing? A Debate. YES,” 32 Journal of Legal Education 415 (1982), 7 pages.
N. William Hines, “In Memoriam: Mason Ladd,” 66 Iowa Law Review 688 (1981), 4 pages.
N. William Hines, “A Decade of Nondegradation Policy in Congress and the Courts: The Erratic Pursuit of Clear Air and Clean Water,” 62 Iowa Law Review 643 (1977), 69 pages.
N. William Hines, "At This Point in Time (and with a Maximization of Effort Designed to Achieve a Profitable Literary Bottom Line), the Faculty of Iowa Law School Has Put Together... Guidelines for Preserving the English Language," 4 Learning and the Law 26 (1977), 3 pages.
N. William Hines, “Farmers, Feedlots and Federalism: The Impact of the 1972 Federal Water Pollution and Control Act Amendments on Agriculture,” 19 South Dakota Law Review 540 (1974), 27 pages.
N. William Hines, “Improving Water Quality Regulation in Iowa,” with Mark E. Schantz, 57 Iowa Law Review 231 (1971), 145 pages.
N. Willilam Hines, “Agriculture: The Unseen Foe in the War on Pollution,” 55 Cornell Law Review 740 (1970), 21 pages.
N. Willilam Hines, “Personal Property Joint Tenancies: More Law, Fact, and Fancy,” 54 Minnesota Law Review 509 (1970), 75 pages.
N. William Hines, “Suggestions for a Model Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance,” with J.W. Howe and Dick H. Montgomery, 5 Land and Water Law Review 321 (1970), 30 pages.
N. William Hines, “Controlling Industrial Water Pollution: Color the Problem Green,” 9 Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review 553 (1968), 59 pages.
N. William Hines, “A Decade of Experience Under the Iowa Water Permit System - Part Two,” 8 Natural Resources Journal 23 (1968), 49 pages.
N. William Hines, “A Decade of Experience Under the Iowa Water Permit System -- Part One,” 7 Natural Resources Journal 499 (1967), 56 pages.
N. William Hines, “Nor Any Drop to Drink: Public Regulation of Water Quality, Part III: The Federal Effort,” 52 Iowa Law Review 799 (1967), 64 pages.
N. William Hines, “Nor Any Drop to Drink: Public Regulation of Water Quality, Part II: Interstate Arrangements for Pollution Control,” 52 Iowa Law Review 432 (1966), 26 pages.
N. William Hines, “Nor Any Drop to Drink: Public Regulation of Water Quality, Part I: State Pollution Control Programs,” 52 Iowa Law Review 186 (1966), 50 pages.
N. William Hines, “Real Property Joint Tenancies: Law, Fact, and Fancy,” 51 Iowa Law Review 582 (1966), 43 pages.
N. William Hines, “Forfeiture of Installment Land Contracts,” 12 Kansas Law Review 475 (1964), 18 pages.
N. William Hines, “Freedom of Testation and the Iowa Probate Code,” 49 Iowa Law Review 724 (1964), 26 pages.
N. William Hines, “Real Property and Future Interests,” with James K. Logan, 10 Kansas Law Review 277 (1962), 25 pages.
N. William Hines, "Constiutionality of the Recent Kansas Title Statute Based on Plan [comments], 9 University of Kansas Law Review 57 (1960), 4 pages.
Book Reviews
N. William Hines, Review of Cases and Materials on Environmental Law and Policy, by Eva H. Hanks, A. Dan Tarlock, and John L. Hanks. 50 Indiana Law Journal 612 (1975), 24 pages.
N. William Hines, Review of The Planning and Drafting of Wills and Trusts, by Dean Shaffer. 27 Journal of Legal Education 363 (1975), 10 pages.
N. William HInes, “Water Laws in the Midwest: Implications For Increased Energy-Related Water Use,” Report for the Argonne National Laboratory, 1978, 50 pages.
N. William Hines, “Environmental Decisionmaking: A Study Proposal,” Prepared for the ABA Special Committee on Environmental Law, 1975.
N. William Hines, “Water Policies for the Future,” in Final Report of the National Water Commission. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service, 1973, at 63, 45 pages.
N. William Hines, “The Theoretical Feasibility of Establishing an Environmental Court,” with N. Nathanson, Prepared for Administrative Conference of the United States, 1973, 20 pages.
N. William Hines, “Public Regulation of Water Quality in the United States,” Report prepared for the National Water Commission. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service, 1971, xxiv, 632 pages.
N. William Hines, “An Empirical Study of the Settlement of Large Farm Estates in Iowa,” Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1969, 50 pages.