
Emily Hughes, Federal Habeas Corpus: Cases and Materials, 3d ed., with Andrea D. Lyon, Justin Marceau, & E. Kate Cohn.  Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2024.

Emily Hughes, The Law and Ethics of Law Practice, 3d ed., with Margaret Raymond. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2023. (American Casebook Series).

Emily Hughes, The Law and Ethics of Law Practice, 2nd ed., with Margaret Raymond. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2015, xxxiii, 689 pages. (American Casebook Series).

Emily Hughes, Criminal Law Simulations, with Michael Vitiello. St. Paul, MN: LEG, Inc., 2014, xiii, 187 pages. (Bridge to Practice Series).

Emily Hughes, Federal Habeas Corpus: Cases and Materials, with Andrea D. Lyon, Mary Prosser, and Justin Marceau. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2nd ed., 2011, 521 pages.

Emily Hughes, Illinois Capital Defense Motions and Jury Instructions Manual, with Andrea D. Lyon and Stephen L. Richards. Chicago, IL: Center for Justice in Capital Cases, DePaul University College of Law and Death Penalty Trial Assistance Division, Office of the State Appellate Defender, 2005, vi, 355 pages.

Emily Hughes, Federal Habeas Corpus: Cases and Materials, with Andrea D. Lyon and Mary Prosser. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2005, xix, 533 pages.

Emily Hughes, Illinois Death Penalty Defense Law and Practice Manual, with Stephen L. Richards and Andrea D. Lyon. Chicago, IL: Center for Justice in Capital Cases, DePaul University College of Law and Death Penalty Trial Assistance Division, Office of the State Appellate Defender, 2003, ii, 133 pages.

Book Chapters

Emily Hughes, "Investigation and Discovery Strategies for Capital Sentencing," in Tell the Client's Story: Mitigation in Criminal and Death Penalty Cases, edited by Edward C Monahan and James J Clark. Chicago: ABA, 2017, at 259, 23 pages.

Emily Hughes, "The Foggy Future of Miranda," in The Constitution and the Future of Criminal Justice in America, edited by John T. Parry and L. Song Richardson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013, at 187, 15 pages.


Emily Hughes, "One Court, One State, One Year: What We Don't Know About Criminal Defendants' Testimony and Why It Matters," with Kori Khan, 57 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 333 (2024), 52 pages.

Emily Hughes, "State Constitutionalism and the Crisis of Excessive Punishment," with Robert J. Smith & Zoë Robinson, 108 Iowa Law Review 537 (2023), 63 pages.

Emily Hughes, "Teaching Conflicts of Interest," 34 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1 (2021), 17 pages.

Emily Hughes, "Investigating Gideon's Legacy in the U.S. Courts of Appeals," 122 Yale Law Journal 2376 (2013), 18 pages.

Emily Hughes, "Arbitrary Death: An Empirical Study of Mitigation," 89 Washington University Law Review 581 (2012), 57 pages.

Emily Hughes, “Innocence Unmodified,” 89 North Carolina Law Review 1083 (2011), 42 pages.

Emily Hughes, "The Empathic Divide in Capital Trials: Possibilities for Social Neuroscientific Research (Symposium: Moving Beyond 'Racial Blindsight'?)," 2011 Michigan State Law Review 541, 31 pages.

Emily Hughes, “Introduction to a Frank Conversation (Symposium: Media, Race, and the Death Penalty),” 58 DePaul Law Review 591 (2009), 7 pages.

Emily Hughes, “Mitigating Death,” 18 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 337 (2009), 54 pages.

Emily Hughes, “Taking First-Year Students to Court: Disorienting Moments as Catalysts for Change (Symposium: New Directions in Clinical Legal Education),” 28 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 11 (2008), 26 pages.

Emily Hughes, “Concluding Thoughts: Speaking To Be Understood: Identity and the Politics of Race and the Death Penalty (Symposium: Race to Execution),” 53 DePaul Law Review 1675 (2004), 23 pages.

Emily Hughes, “The People v. Juanita Thomas: A Battered Woman’s Journey to Freedom,” with Andrea D. Lyon and Juanita Thomas, 13 Women and Criminal Justice 27 (2001), 37 pages.