Todd E. Pettys. The Iowa State Constitution, 2nd ed., NY: Oxford University Press, 2017, xv, 337 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "The First Amendment Speech Rights of College Student-Athletes," 31 George Mason Law Review 781 (2024), 58 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Serious Value, Prurient Appeal, and 'Obscene' Books in the Hands of Children," 31 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1003 (2023), 59 pages.
Todd Pettys, "Constructing Students' Speech Rights, from College Admissions to Professional Schools," 59 San Diego Law Review 229 (2022), 62 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Hostile Learning Environments, the First Amendment, and Public Higher Education," 54 Connecticut Law Review 1 (2022), 55 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "A View from the Recount Room," 105 Iowa Law Review Online 37 (2021), 22 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Judging Hypocrisy," 70 Emory Law Journal 251 (2020), 57 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Civil Cases in the Supreme Court’s October 2018 Term,” 55 Court Review 84 (2019), 11 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "The N.R.A.’s Strict Scrutiny Amendments," 104 Iowa Law Review 1455 (2019), 28 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "From ALJs to Wedding Cakes: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court's October 2017 Term," 54 Court Review 116 (2018), 11 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Partisanship, Social Identity, and American Government: Reality and Reflections," 22 Lewis & Clark Law Review 301 (2018), 34 pages,
Todd E. Pettys, “From Playground to Plavix: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court’s October 2016 Term,” 53 Court Review 98 (2017), 12 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Eight in the Eye of a Political Storm: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court's October 2015 Term," 52 Court Review 102 (2016), 8 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Iowa Law Review: A Century of Work Worth Doing," 100 Iowa Law Review 1917 (2015), 2 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Free Expression, In-Group Bias, and the Court's Conservatives: A Critique of the Epstein-Parker-Segal Study," 63 Buffalo Law Review 1 (2015), 83 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, "Weddings, Whiter Teeth, Judicial-Campaign Speech, and More: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court's 2014–2015 Term," 51 Court Review 94 (2015), 11 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "Campaign Finance, Federalism, and the Case of the Long-Armed Donor," 81 University of Chicago Law Review Dialogue 77 (2014), 16 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Doubting Abood, Finding Religion at Hobby Lobby, and More: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court’s 2013–2014 Term,” 50 Court Review 112 (2014), 13 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Remembering Randy Bezanson,” 99 Iowa Law Review 1461 (2014), 6 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Unions, Corporations, and the First Amendment: A Response to Professors Fisk and Chemerinsky,” 99 Cornell Law Review Online 23 (2013), 18 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, "More than Marriage: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court’s 2012–2013 Term,” 49 Court Review 164 (2013), 13 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Retention Redux: Iowa 2012,” 14 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 47 (2013), 33 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “The Analytic Classroom,” 60 Buffalo Law Review 1255 (2012), 68 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Healthcare, Unions, Ministers, and More: Civil Cases in the Supreme Court’s 2011–12 Term,” 48 Court Review 112 (2012), 12 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Judicial Retention Elections, the Rule of Law, and the Rhetorical Weaknesses of Consequentialism,” 60 Buffalo Law Review 69 (2012), 77 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Letter from Iowa: Same-Sex Marriage and the Ouster of Three Justices (Symposium: State Constitutional Law Steps Out of the Shadows),” 59 University of Kansas Law Review 715 (2011), 31 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Judicial Discretion in Constitutional Cases,” 26 Journal of Law & Politics 123 (2011), 56 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Instrumentalizing Jurors: An Argument Against the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule (Symposium: The Future of the Exclusionary Rule and the Aftereffects of the Herring and Hudson Decisions),” 37 Fordham Urban Law Journal 837 (2010), 36 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Sodom’s Shadow: The Uncertain Line Between Public and Private Morality,” 61 Hastings Law Journal 1161 (2010), 55 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Counsel and Confrontation,” 94 Minnesota Law Review 201 (2009), 60 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “The Myth of the Written Constitution,” 84 Notre Dame Law Review 991 (2009), 65 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Popular Constitutionalism and Relaxing the Dead Hand: Can the People Be Trusted?” 86 Washington University Law Review 313 (2008), 49 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “The Immoral Application of Exclusionary Rules,” 2008 Wisconsin Law Review 463, 51 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “The Emotional Juror,” 76 Fordham Law Review 1609 (2007), 32 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “State Habeas Relief for Federal Extrajudicial Detainees,” 92 Minnesota Law Review 265 (2007), 58 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Killing Roger Coleman: Habeas, Finality, and the Innocence Gap,” 48 William and Mary Law Review 2313 (2007), 51 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Choosing a Chief Justice: Presidential Prerogative or a Job for the Court?” 22 Journal of Law & Politics 231 (2006), 51 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Our Anticompetitive Patriotism,” 39 U.C. Davis Law Review 1353 (2006), 61 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “The Mobility Paradox,” 92 Georgetown Law Journal 481 (2004), 41 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Competing for the People's Affection: Federalism's Forgotten Marketplace,” 56 Vanderbilt Law Review 329 (2003), 63 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Federal Habeas Relief and the New Tolerance for ‘Reasonably Erroneous’ Applications of Federal Law,” 63 Ohio State Law Journal 731 (2002), 68 pages.
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Todd E. Pettys, “Evidentiary Relevance, Morally Reasonable Verdicts, and Jury Nullification,” 86 Iowa Law Review 467 (2001), 65 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “The Intended Relationship Between Administrative Regulations and Section 1983's ‘Laws’,” 67 George Washington Law Review 51 (1998), 49 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Making the Government Pay: The Application of the Equal Access to Justice Act in EEOC v. Clay Printing Co.,” 72 North Carolina Law Review 1575 (1994), 22 pages.
Todd E. Pettys, “Punishing Offensive Conduct on University Campuses: Iota Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity v. George Mason University,” 72 North Carolina Law Review 789 (1994), 24 pages.
Book Reviews
Todd E. Pettys, “The Vitality of the American Sovereign,” review of American Sovereigns: The People and America’s Constitutional Tradition Before the Civil War, by Christian G. Fritz. 108 Michigan Law Review 939 (2010), 17 pages.
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