Book Chapter
Gregory H. Shill, "First Principles in Transportation Law and Policy," with Jonathan Levine, in A Research Agenda for US Land Use and Planning, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, at 221.
Gregory H. Shill, "Beyond Congestion Pricing," 2025 Journal of Law and Mobility 1 (2025), 23 pages.
Gregory H. Shill, "Impact of Driver Licensing Renewal Policies on Older Driver Crash Involvement and Injury Rates in 13 States, 2000–2019," with Cara J. Hamann, Jonathan A. Davis, Gilsu Pae, Motao Zhu, Brian Tefft, Joseph E. Cavanaugh, 12 Injury Epidemiology article no. 3 (2025), 9 pages. (doi: 10.1186/s40621-024-00555-9)
Gregory H. Shill, "The Social Costs (and Benefits) of Dual-Class Stock," 75 Alabama Law Review 221 (2023), 54 pages.
HeinOnline | Off-Campus Access (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "Diversity, ESG, and Latent Board Power," with Matthew L. Strand, 46 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 255 (2022), 69 pages.
HeinOnline | Off-Campus Access (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "The Puzzle and Persistence of Biglaw Clustering," 23 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 191 (2022), 28 pages.
Gregory H. Shill, "The Geography of Human Capital Management," 77 Business Lawyer 679 (2022), 18 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Westlaw | SSRN
Gregory H. Shill, “Regulating the Pedestrian Safety Crisis,” 97 New York University Law Review Online 194 (2022), 20 pages.
Journal | HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN
Gregory H. Shill, "The Future of Law and Transportation," 106 Iowa Law Review 2107 (2021), 17 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "Rewriting Our Nation's Deadly Traffic Manual," with Sara C. Bronin, 135 Harvard Law Review Forum 1 (2021), 19 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "Congressional Securities Trading," 96 Indiana Law Journal 313 (2020), 25 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "The Independent Board as Shield," 77 Washington and Lee Law Review 1811 (2020), 92 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "Should Law Subsidize Driving?" 95 New York University Law Review 498 (2020), 82 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "The Golden Leash and the Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty," 64 UCLA Law Review 1246 (2017), 55 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "Boilerplate Shock: Sovereign Debt Contracts as Incubators of Systemic Risk," 89 Tulane Law Review 751 (2015), 65 pages.
Hein Online | Off Campus (HeinOnline) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw
Gregory H. Shill, "Ending Judgment Arbitrage: Jurisdictional Competition and the Enforcement of Foreign Money Judgments in the United States," 54 Harvard International Law Journal 459 (2013), 62 pages.
Hein Online | Off-Campus (Hein Online) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw | Journal
Gregory H. Shill, "Erosion of the Fiduciary-Duty Requirement in Insider Trading Actions," with Joel Cohen and Mary Kay Dunning, 20 Securities Litigation Journal 12 (2010), 6 pages.
Gregory H. Shill, "Enemy Combatants and a Challenge to the Separation of War Powers in Al-Marri v. Wright, 487 F.3d 160 (4th Cir. 2007)," 31 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 393 (2008), 17 pages.
Hein Online | UI Off-Campus (Hein Online) | SSRN | Lexis | Westlaw
Short Essays
Gregory H. Shill, "Reckless Driving Isn't Just a Design Problem," The Atlantic, January 12, 2025.
Gregory H. Shill, "The Social Costs (and Benefits) of Dual-Class Stock," Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, October 16, 2023.
Gregory H. Shill, "Transportation Safety in a Second-Best Environment," University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies Future Mobility Series, February 2023.
Gregory H. Shill, "The Puzzle and Persistence of Biglaw Clustering," CLS Blue Sky Blog, October 3, 2022.
Gregory H. Shill, "How Vehicular Intimidation Became the Norm," The Atlantic, November 3, 2020.
Gregory H. Shill, "Congressional Securities Trading," Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, April 23, 2020.
Gregory H. Shill, "Americans Shouldn’t Have to Drive, but the Law Insists on It," The Atlantic, July 9, 2019.
Gregory H. Shill, "Unsafe Streets' New Liability," 2 Vision Zero Cities: International Journal of Traffic Safety Innovation 37 (2017).
Gregory H. Shill, "The Golden Leash and the Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty," Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, November 8, 2017.
Gregory H. Shill, "Does the Fed Have the Legal Authority to Buy Equities?," Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal, March 18, 2015.
Statutory Drafting
Gregory H. Shill, "Public Comment on Request for Comments on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's New Car Assessment Program. Docket ID: NHTSA-2021-0002-0482 (2021).
Gregory H. Shill, "Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways," with Sara Bronin. (Revision Docket ID: FHWA-2020-0001 Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) 2125-AF85)