
Robert T. Miller. Mergers and Acquisitions: Cases and Materials, 6th ed., with Willam J. Carney. St. Paul, MN: Foundation Press, 2022, xxiv, 1463 pages.

Book Chapters

Robert T. Miller. “Maximizing the Shareholder Value,” in Christian Ethics and Corporate Culture: A Critical View on Corporate Responsibilities, edited by Bartholomew Okonkwo. New York: Springer, 2014, at 81, 19 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "To Make their Interests Coincide with their Duty: How the Constitution Leads Public Officials to make Good Decisions," in Roots of Liberty: Unlocking the Federalist Papers, edited by Scott D. Cosenza and Claire M. Griffin, Washington, DC: Roots of Liberty, 2013, at 51, 11 pages.

Robert T. Miller. “Achilleus Now: Core Texts, the Good Life, and Democratic Society,” in The Place of Core Texts: Selected Papers from the Ninth Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses: Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6, 2003, edited by Patrick Malcolmson, Darcy Wudel, and J. Scott Lee. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2008, at 93, 6 pages; reprinted in 5 Dappled Things 37 (2010), 8 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Translator of partial translation of “On Being and Essence,” by Thomas Aquinas, in The Sheed & Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy, edited by James C. Swindal and Harry J. Gensler. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005, at 192, 9 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Translator of “On Being and Essence,” by Thomas Aquinas, in Internet Medieval Source Book. New York: Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies, 1997, 10 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Translator of “On the Eternity of the World,” by Thomas Aquinas, in Internet Medieval Source Book. New York: Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies, 1997, 4 pages.


Robert T. Miller, "Delaware Law Requires Directors to Manage the Corporation for the Benefit of its Stockholders and the Absurdity of Denying It: Reflections on Professor Bainbridge’s Why We Should Keep Teaching Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.," 48 Journal of Corporation Law 32 (2023), 76 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Bardy Diagnostics v. Hill-Rom: New Lessons on Material Adverse Effect Clauses," 16 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 75 (2022), 30 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "How Would Directors Make Business Decisions Under Stakeholder Theory?," 77 Business Lawyer 773 (2022), 28 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Introduction: The ESG Movement: Law, Economics and Values Symposium," with Seth C. Oranburg, 77 Business Lawyer 621 (2022), 10 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Market Practice and the Awareness/Use Problem in Insider Trading Law: A Response to Professor Verstein's Mixed Motives Insider Trading," 107 Iowa Law Review Online 162 (2022), 25 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Insider Trading and the Public Enforcement of Private Prohibitions: Some Complications in Enforcing Simple Rules for a Complex World," 52 European Journal of Law & Economics 307 (2021), 16 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "A New Theory of Material Adverse Effects," 76 Business Lawyer 749 (2021), 68 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Pandemic Risk and the Interpretation of Exceptions in MAE Clauses," 46 Journal of Corporation Law 681 (2021), 33 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Stock Market Value and Deal Value In Appraisal Proceedings," 96 Notre Dame Law Review 1403 (2021), 18 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Rule 10B-5 and Business Combination Transactions," 21 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 523 (2019), 115 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "What is a Compelling Government Interest?" 21 Journal of Morality and Markets 71 (2018), 23 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Smith v. Van Gorkom and the Kobayashi Maru: The Place of the Trans Union Case in the Development of Delaware Corporate Law," 9 William & Mary Business Law Review 65 (2017), 155 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Norms of Equality Implicit in Capitalism," 23 Supreme Court Economic Review 235 (2015), 20 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "The RMBS Put-Back Litigations and the Efficient Allocation of Endogenous Risk Over Time," 34 Review of Banking & Financial Law 255 (2014), 61 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Coasean Dissolution of Corporate Social Responsibility,” 17 Chapman Law Review 381 (2014), 31 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Inefficient Results in the Market for Corporate Control: Highest Bidders, Highest-Value Users, and Socially Optimal Owners,” 39 Journal of Corporation Law 71 (2013), 58 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Oversight Liability for Risk-Management Failures at Financial Firms,” 84 Southern California Law Review 47 (2010), 77 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Board’s Duty to Monitor Risk After Citigroup,” 12 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 1153 (2010), 16 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Economics of Deal Risk: Allocating Risk Through MAC Clauses in Business Combination Agreements,” 51 Corporate Practice Commentator 481 (2009), 89 pages; reprinted from 50 William and Mary Law Review 2007 (2009), 97 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Canceling the Deal: Two Models of Material Adverse Change Clauses in Business Combination Agreements,” 31 Cardozo Law Review 99 (2009), 106 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Morals in a Market Bubble (Symposium: The Fallout from the Bailout: The Impact of the 2008 Bailout on Lending Regulation, Securities Regulations, and Business Ethics),” 35 University of Dayton Law Review 113 (2009), 25 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Economics of Deal Risk: Allocating Risk Through MAC Clauses in Business Combination Agreements,” 50 William and Mary Law Review 2007 (2009), 97 pages; reprinted in 51 Corporate Practice Commentator 481 (2009), 89 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Wrongful Omissions by Corporate Directors: Stone v. Ritter and Adapting the Process Model of the Delaware Business Judgment Rule,” 10 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law 911 (2008), 44 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Coase Theorem and the Preferential Option for the Poor (Symposium: The Meaning of the Preferential Option for the Poor for Law and Policy),” 5 Journal of Catholic Social Thought 65 (2008), 16 pages.

Working Papers

Robert T. Miller, "Material Adverse Effect Clauses and the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Sophisticated Parties Allocate Risk Contractually," Univ. Iowa Coll. L. Legal Stud. Rsch. Paper, No. 2020-33 (2020), 17 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Material Adverse Change Clauses and the COVID-19 Pandemic," Univ. Iowa Coll. L. Legal Stud. Rsch. Paper, No. 2020-21 (2020), 35 pages.

Short Essays

Robert T. Miller, "Commonsense Morality," First Things (January 2024).

Robert T. Miller, "The Epistemics of First Principles," Public Discourse (August 4, 2020), 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Friends Clashing—Yet One More Time—On Free Speech," with Hadley P. Arkes, Public Discourse (February 23, 2020), 10 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Loose Talk on Free Speech," Public Discourse (January 7, 2020), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Moral Standards and Legal Enforcement," Public Discourse (January 26, 2020), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Some Reflections on the Anarcho-Capitalism of Futerman and Block," 49 Stetson Law Review 93 (2019), 16 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "On Integralism, Religious Liberty, and the Authority of the Church: 19th Century Popes and 20th Century Popes Disagreed," with Lawrence King. Public Discourse (February 2, 2019), 20 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Integralism and Catholic Doctrine," Public Discourse (July 16, 2018), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Free Speech and the American Experiment," Public Discourse, (May 28th, 2018), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Economic Freedom and Economic Opportunity: R.R. Reno Discovers Economic Growth, Blames Capitalism," Public Discourse (January 9, 2018), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Notes From Reality About Economic Regulation: What’s Wrong With First Things’ Anxious AntiCapitalism," Public Discourse (December 12, 2017), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Resisting the Fortress of Solitude: What’s Wrong with First Things’ Anxious Anti-Capitalism," Public Discourse (December 13, 2017), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Foreword, in The Godmother: Madre Pascalina A Feminine Tour de Force, by Fr. Charles Theodore Murr. 2017.

Robert T. Miller, "Corporations: The Short-Termism Debate," (Panelist remarks, 2014 National Lawyers Convention: Millennials, Equity, and The Rule of Law), 85 Mississippi Law Journal 697 (2016), 7 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Riches, Religion, and the New Atheism," Public Discourse (June 19, 2015), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "The Shopkeeper's Dilemma and Cooperation with Evil," Public Discourse (March 5, 2015), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "The Board Veto and Efficient Takeovers (Micro-Symposium on Competing Theories of Corporate Governance)," 62 UCLA Law Review Discourse 90 (2014), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Professor Arkes and the Law," Public Discourse (August 19, 2014), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "What Reason Can Know and What Government Should Legislate: A Rejoinder to Arkes," Public Discourse (August 22, 2014), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Just Inflation," Public Discourse (May 14, 2014), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Why Harvard Was Right Not to Ban the Black Mass," Public Discourse (May 22, 2014), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Philosophy and Morality in Public Discourse," Public Discourse (April 14, 2014), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Nature and God in Ethics,” Public Discourse (November 5, 2013), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Pragmatic Eudaimonist: A Response to David Tubbs,” Public Discourse Online (October 2, 2013), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Aristotle Can’t Refute Evolution: A Response to Seagrave,” Public Discourse (July 31, 2013), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Response to Reno,” First Things (May 3, 2013), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Morality and Economic Freedom: A Response to Gregg,” Public Discourse (May 22, 2013), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Eudaimonia in America,” 232 First Things 25 (2013), 7 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Thinking Clearly About Drones,” First Things (March 21, 2013), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Thanatopsis for Ronald Dworkin,” First Things (February 28, 2013), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Del Monte and El Paso: Going to Revlon-Land With a Conflicted Financial Advisor,” 13 Engage 41 (2012), 12 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Hotel Pornography and the Market of Morality,” Public Discourse (July 13, 2012), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The HHS Mandate, Cooperation with Evil, and Coercion,” Public Discourse (February 22, 2012), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Eudaimonism and Moral Absolutes,” Public Discourse (January 26, 2012), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Moral Absolutes and the Divine Command,” Public Discourse (December 16, 2011), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Catholic Moral Doctrine and Capitalism,” 6 Dappled Things 99 (2011), 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “On Aristotle’s Wide Applicability,” Public Discourse (March 15, 2011), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Waiting for St. Vladimir,” 210 First Things 37 (2011), 7 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Achilleus Now: Core Texts, the Good Life, and Democratic Society,” 5 Dappled Things 37 (2010), 8 pages; reprinted from in The Place of Core Texts: Selected Papers from the Ninth Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses: Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6, 2003, edited by Patrick Malcolmson, Darcy Wudel, and J. Scott Lee. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2008, at 93, 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “NOL Pill Reloaded: Selectica, Inc. v. Versata Enterprises, Inc.,” 11 Engage 15 (2010), 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Lyondell Chemical Co. v. Ryan: The Duty of Good Faith Comes to Revlon-Land,” 11 Engage 14 (2010), 10 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Hexion v. Huntsman: Elaborating the Delaware MAC Standard,” 10 Engage 20 (2009), 8 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Intervention and Free Markets,” 19 CFA Magazine 8 (2008), 1 page.

Robert T. Miller, “CEOs Are Only Human,” 19 CFA Magazine 6 (2008), 2 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The End of the Road for Dr. Miles: Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc.,” 8 Engage 40 (2007), 13 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “United States v. Stein: Unconstitutionality of Prosecutorial Consideration of a Corporation’s Advancing Legal Expenses to Employees in Corporate Charging Decisions,” 7 Engage 49 (2006), 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, "Design, Science, and Philosophy: An Exchange," 164 First Things 5 (June/July 2006); letters to the editor re: "Darwin in Dover, PA" and Professor Miller's response.

Robert T. Miller, “Darwin in Dover, PA,” 162 First Things 9 (2006), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Two Bases of Morality in Catholic Theology,” 2005 Dappled Things, 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “The Legal Death of Terri Schiavo,” 153 First Things 14 (2005), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Religion Uniquely Disfavored,” 144 First Things 8 (2004), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “A Jury of One’s Godless Peers,” 141 First Things 11 (2004), 3 pages.

Book Reviews

Robert T. Miller. Review of True Paradox: How Christianity Makes Sense of Our Complex World, by David Skeel. 250 First Things 59 (2015), 3 pages.

Robert Miller, Review of “Religion Without God” by Ronald Dworkin. 240 First Things 59 (2014), 6 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Review of Islamic Law in Europe? Legal Pluralism and its Limits in European Family Laws, by Andrea Büchler. 28 Journal of Contemporary Religion 337 (2013), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Review of Permutations of Order: Religion and Law as Contested Sovereignties, edited by Thomas G. Kirsch and Bertram Turner. 25 Journal of Contemporary Religion 471 (2010), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Review of Worship and Sin: An Exploration of Religion-Related Crime in the United States, by Karel Kurst-Swanger. 24 Journal of Contemporary Religion 393 (2009), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, Review of Toward a Theory of Human Rights, by Michael J. Perry. 26 Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 474 (2009), 5 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Lawless Ends,” review of Law as a Means to an End: Threat to the Rule of Law, by Brian Z. Tamanaha. 179 First Things 52 (2008), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Servants of One Sovereign Master,” review of God, Locke, and Equality, by Jeremy Waldron. 134 First Things 51 (2003), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Posner’s Laws of Pragmatism,” review of Frontiers of Legal Theory, by Richard A. Posner. 118 First Things 54 (2001), 3 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “Good Intentions,” review of By Nature Equal, by John E. Coons and Patrick M. Brennan. 112 First Things 41 (2001), 4 pages.

Robert T. Miller, “An Equal Division of Property,” review of Sovereign Virtue, by Ronald Dworkin. 110 First Things 49 (2001), 5 pages.


Robert T. Miller, "Corporations: The Short-Termism Debate," 2014 National Lawyers Convention: Millennials, Equity and the Rule of Law, 85 Mississippi Law Journal 701 (2016).