Sheldon F. Kurtz. Moynihan’s Introduction to the Law of Real Property: An Historical Background of the Common Law of Real Property and Its Modern Application 7th, St. Paul, MN: West Academic 2020, vii, 320 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law 7th, with Herbert Hovenkamp, Carol Necole Brown & Christopher K. Odinet. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2019, xlvii, 1489 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. The Law of Property: An Introductory Survey, 7th ed., with Herbert Hovenkamp and Thomas P. Gallanis. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing. 2018, xvi, 748 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Wills, Trusts, and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests, 5th ed., with William M. McGovern Jr., David M. English, and Thomas P. Gallanis. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2017, xiv, 768 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Principles of Property Law, with Thomas P. Gallanis and Herbert J. Hovenkamp, 7th edition, St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2016, xiv, 689 pages. (Concise Hornbook series).
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Moynihan’s Introduction to the Law of Real Property: An Historical Background of the Common Law of Real Property and Its Modern Application 6th, St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters 2015, xii, 320 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. The Law of Property: An Introductory Survey 6th, with Herbert Hovenkamp and Thomas P. Gallanis. St. Paul, MN: LEG, Inc. 2014, xv, 595 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law 6th, with Herbert Hovenkamp and Carol Necole Brown. St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters 2012, xlv, 1324 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Principles of Wills, Trusts, and Estates 2d, with William M. McGovern and David M. English. St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters 2012, x, 885 pages. (Concise Hornbook Series).
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Moynihan’s Introduction to the Law of Real Property: An Historical Background of the Common Law of Real Property and Its Modern Application 5th. St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters 2011, xii, 318 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Wills, Trusts, and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests 4th, with William M. McGovern and David M. English, St. Paul, MN: West 2010, xv, 880 pages
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law 5th, with Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West 2007, xlvii, 1262 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Principles of Property Law, with Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West 2005, xvii, 681 pages (Concise Hornbook Series).
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Introduction to the Law of Real Property: An Historical Background of the Common Law of Real Property and Its Modern Application 4th, with Cornelius J. Moynihan. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West 2005, xiii, 314 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Principles of Wills, Trusts, and Estates, with William M. McGovern. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West 2005, xi, 512 pages. (Concise Hornbook Series).
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Wills, Trusts, and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests 3rd, with William M. McGovern. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West 2004, xix, 844 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law 4th, with Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West 2003, xlvii, 1216 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Introduction to the Law of Real Property: An Historical Background of the Common Law of Real Property and Its Modern Application 3rd, with Cornelius J. Moynihan. St. Paul, MN: West Group 2002, xiii, 295 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Law Outlines: Property, with Patricia A. Cain. Santa Monica, CA: Casenotes Publishing. Co. 2001, various pagings.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Wills, Trusts, and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests 2d, with William M. McGovern. St. Paul, MN: West Group 2001, xvii, 790 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Law of Property: An Introductory Survey, 5th ed., with Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: West Group 2001, xvii, 696 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law, with Herbert Hovenkamp 3d, St. Paul, MN: West Group 1999, xxxvii, 1182 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Law Outlines: Property, with Patricia A. Cain. Santa Monica, CA: Casenotes Publishing. Co. 1997, 343 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Kurtz on Iowa Estates 3rd, Iowa City, IA: Iowa Law School Continuing Legal Education, University of Iowa 1995, 2 vols., 1397 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law 2d, with Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. 1993, xl, 1232 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Law of Property: An Introductory Survey 4th, with Ralph E. Boyer and Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. 1991, xxvii, 696 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Kurtz on Iowa Estates 2d, Iowa City, IA: Iowa Law School Continuing Legal Education, University of Iowa 1989, 2 vols., 1251 pages;
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Wills, Trusts, and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests, with William M. McGovern, Jr. and Jan Ellen Rein. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. 1988, xxix, 996 pages (Hornbook Series -- Student Edition).
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Cases and Materials on American Property Law, with Herbert Hovenkamp. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. 1987, lv, 1296 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. “The Proposed QTIP Regulations and Their Siblings,” in 20th Annual Philip E. Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning. New York: Matthew Bender 1986, at 11.1, 66 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Problems, Cases, and Other Materials on Family Estate Planning. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. 1983, lvii, 853 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. “Purchase Options Created by Will,” in 17th Annual Institute on Estate Planning. New York: Matthew Bender 1983, at 4-1, 69 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Closely Held Corporations in Business and Estate Planning, with Edwin T. Hood and John D. Shors. Boston: Little Brown and Company 1982, vol. I - xli, 601 pages; vol. II - xli, 643 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Iowa Practical Probate, with Bruce I. Campbell, Matthew J. Heartney, and Robert C. Thomson. Eau Claire, WI: Professional Education Systems 1982, 190 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Kurtz on Iowa Estates. Iowa City, IA: Iowa Law School Continuing Legal Education, University of Iowa 1981, 3 vols., xxiv, [28],1592 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. New York Practice, vol. 2: Income and Estate Taxation of Decedents and Their Estates. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. 1977, xiii, 741 pages; Supplement 1979, 174 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz. Iowa Estates: Taxation and Administration, with Robert C. Reimer. Iowa City, IA: Iowa Law School Continuing Legal Education 1975, 995 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz, "The Revised Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act: A Perspective from the Reporters," with Alice Noble-Allgire, 52 Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal 417 (2018), 115 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz, "What's New in the Revised Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act," 30 Probate & Property 18 (Dec. 2016), 8 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The UPC Addresses the Class-Gift and Intestacy Rights of Children of Assisted Reproduction Technologies,” with Lawrence W. Waggoner, 35 ACTEC Journal 30 (2009), 8 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (Hein Online) | Lexis Advance | SSRN | Westlaw
Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The 2006 Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act—A Law to Save Lives,” with Christina Woodward Strong and David Gerasimow, Health Lawyers News (Feb. 2007), 6 pages.
Health Lawyers Association [PDF]
Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The Law of Informed Consent: From ‘Doctor Is Right’ to ‘Patient Has Rights,’” 50 Syracuse Law Review 1243 (2000), 18 pages.
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Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The Transplant Paradox: Overwhelming Public Support for Organ Donation vs. Under Supply of Organs: The Iowa Organ Procurement Study,” with Michael J. Saks, 21 Journal of Corporation Law 767 (1996), 40 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Westlaw
Sheldon F. Kurtz, “Powers of Appointment Under the 1990 Uniform Probate Code: What Was Done--What Remains to Be Done,” 55 Albany Law Review 1151 (1992), 54 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Westlaw
Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The Iowa Rule Against Perpetuities--Reform at Last, Restatement Style: Wait-and-See and Cy Pres,” 69 Iowa Law Review 705 (1984), 50 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (Hein Online) | Lexis Advance | Westlaw
Sheldon F. Kurtz, “Marital Deduction Estate Planning Under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981: Opportunities Exist, But Watch the Pitfalls,” 34 Rutgers Law Review 591 (1982), 77 pages.
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Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The Iowa Rule Against Perpetuities: A State of Little or No Law,” 65 Iowa Law Review 177 (1979), 32 pages.
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Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The Impact of the Revenue Act of 1978 and the 1976 Tax Reform Act on Estate Tax Marital Deduction Formulas,” 64 Iowa Law Review 739 (1979), 109 pages.
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Sheldon F. Kurtz, “The Augmented Estate Concept Under the Uniform Probate Code: In Search of an Equitable Elective Share,” 62 Iowa Law Review 981 (1977), 83 pages.
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Sheldon F. Kurtz, “Allocation of Increases and Decreases to Fractional Share Marital Deduction Bequest,” 8 Real Property Probate and Trust Journal 450 (1973), 15 pages.
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Statutory Drafting
Sheldon F. Kurtz, co-reporter, Revised Uniform Residential Landlord & Tenant Act (2015). National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 2015, 104 pages.
Sheldon F. Kurtz, Member of Drafting Committee, Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act (2012). National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 2012, 24 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Uniform Law Commission Online
Sheldon F. Kurtz, Member of Drafting Committee, Uniform Protection of Genetic Information in Employment Act (2010). National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 2011, 64 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Uniform Law Commission Online
Sheldon F. Kurtz, Chair of Drafting Committee, Amendments to Uniform Probate Code (2008). National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 2008, 99 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline)
Sheldon F. Kurtz, Member of Drafting Committee, Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (2006). National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 2006, 10 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Uniform Law Commission Online
Sheldon F. Kurtz, Reporter and Principal Drafter, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (2006). National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 2006, 18 pages.
HeinOnline | UI Off-Campus (HeinOnline) | Uniform Law Commission Online